Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG

Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG

- Model EM2281 and EM2389 - Multifunctional Energy Meter



The MID approved meters can be used to acquire and bill active energy in industrial, household, commercial and building management applications.


Thanks to a broad range of interfaces, values can be very easily transferred to data logging, billing and optimizing systems, as well as to building automation and control technology applications.

The new generation of ENERGYMID energy meters opens up entirely new levels of transparency within your electrical system. In addition to energy, up to 33 other mains parameters are acquired by the multifunctional variant. Thanks to our installation tools and integrated diagnosis of connection errors, installation is now even simpler and quicker.

  • 5 (80) A direct connection or 1 (6) A transformer connection
  • Extremely compact housing (4 standard width units, i.e. 72 mm) with integrated interface
  • Fast error detection thanks to color change at the display, e.g. direction of phase rotation, phase failure, transformers with reversed polarity or overload
  • Multifunctional variant – up to 33 additional measured quantities such as reactive power, apparent power, power factor and frequency

Extremely Compact Housing – Very Well Protected

Thanks to its extremely compact design (4 standard width units, i.e. 72 mm), the meter requires less space in the meter cabinet. The communication interface is integrated into the housing and is thus protected against contamination. Furthermore, the tamper-proof cover and configuration disabling assure protection against manipulation.

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