- Wind Gas


Since 2011, we have been generating green hydrogen in the hybrid power plant using electrolysis from wind power, which is used, among other things, for heating purposes, to refuel cars and buses and in industrial processes. The green hydrogen, which is produced without any CO2 emissions, is already being used under the ENERTRAG Windgas brand to supply fuel cells in emergency power supply units.
The hybrid power plant consists of 3 wind turbines of the type Enercon E-82 and two engine CHPs, which can be operated with biogas as well as with a mixture of biogas and hydrogen. Hydrogen is produced and stored from wind energy at times of strong winds, and the hydrogen is converted back into electrical energy when needed; by storing the energy in the form of hydrogen, a safe supply of energy can be guaranteed even when there is no wind. Hydrogen is an environmentally friendly energy carrier that allows large amounts of energy to be stored over a long period of time.

Your advantages with ENERTRAG wind gas:

  • Provision in commercial containers
  • Filling pressure 200 or 300 bar
  • Refilling of property bottles
  • Collection or delivery by individual agreement

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