Eralp - Natural Gas And Liquid Fuel Fired Power Plants
From Energy Facilities - Energy Plants
As Eralp boiler, we produce Waste Heat Boilers, Auxiliary Boilers, Bundle for Natural Gas Power Plants and High Frequency Welded finned tubes for Bundle, of which we are the only manufacturer in Turkey. Due to the large capacity and volume of Main Boilers, they are generally designed and produced as a modules. Auxiliary boilers used in the system are the boilers used during the start up of the main boiler. Although auxiliary boilers are generally produced as water tube boilers, it is also possible to make them with smoke tubes.
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Product Details
- Steam Production Capacity: 5 tons/h -300 tons/h
- Pressure: 50 Bar
- Temperature: Max 450 C
Boiler production in Natural Gas Cycle Power Plants is carried out in accordance with EN 12952 standards and 2014/68 EU Pressure Equipment Directive Module G and is produced with CE Certificate. If desired, thanks to our existing certificates, production can be made in accordance with ASME Part I and with “S” stamp.
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