- Model UPK - Screw Heat Exchanger


Our UPK products are indirect and continous continuous cooling or heating equipment based on screw heat exchanger. It is well suitable for bulks, powders, granulates, pasty or muddy products. Its cooling and heating function is accomplished through chilled water, steam or other thermal fluid passage into the screw and double jacket.

Products Details

Simple and adaptable screw heat exchanger for your application

Screw-conveyor based heat exchangers are capable to handle a big variety of products and remain universal tool to transport and exchange heat with the material. Due to its simplicity and flexibility, they are used widely in many industries, from food processing, through minerals production and to heavy industries processes.
The heat transfer during the product transportation takes place through the screw shaft, jacket or the combination of both.
Thanks to the universal character of our screw conveyors, they can be easily scalable and tailored to the needs, by adjusting its construction, diameter or length.
Screw conveyor heat exchanger is also a perfect tool to improve the product quality by adding supplementary materials, ensuring good mixing or supplementary treatment by steam or water applications.

Universal construction of screw heat exchanger adaptable to your needs


Low maintenance and long service life thanks to the high design simplicity


Maximum heat exchange efficiency based on years of experience

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