Kanadevia Inova Schmack Biogas Srl

Kanadevia Inova Schmack Biogas Srl

- Model OFMSW - Biogas Plants for the Anaerobic Digestion



Biogas plants for the anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste for the generation of electricity (from 300 kW) and the production of biomethane.

Product Details

The compact biogas plant, also for the use of the OFMSW
The valorisation of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste presents many challenges. The plant must be modular, sturdy, flexible. Most importantly, it must be tailor-made. These features are more common in large plants. What if the quantities of available waste were low? It was necessary to transport waste across distances, with subsequent higher costs; the other option was just composting. Not anymore: now there is a small plant fed by waste, which guarantees the reliability required by this type of plant.

The waste-operated EUCOmpact plant is modular. Each module consists of two EUCO S fermenters, with a capacity of 200 m³ each, and a technical container, the All In One Mini Container, which contains the 100 kW cogenerator. The 100, 200 and 300 kW versions are available as standard.

The benefits at a glance

  • Simple installation and fast start-up: EUCOmpact is delivered fully equipped from the factory and having undergone all safety and operational checks
  • Little space required
  • Flexible use of OFMSW
  • Easy to integrate into existing structures, such as pre-treatment sheds and composting plants
  • Tried and tested technology and Viessmann quality
  • Excellent profitability, thanks to state incentives

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