Eurosens Direct - Fuel Flow Meters
Eurosens Direct fuel consumption sensors are designed to measure fuel consumption of diesel engines or other consumers in the range from 1 to 3000 liters per hour. Direct flowmeters have a wide range of modifications, (100, 250, 500, 1500, 3000 liters per hour), can have built-in display and different output interfaces. There are versions with threaded and flange connections.
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Products Details
Note: Most diesel engines have fuel supply system with fuel supply line and fuel return line. To know engine fuel consumption you need to measure both fuel flows with Delta flowmeter, or change fuel supply system for Direct flow meter application.
- High-precision measurement
- High corrosion resistance
- Strong electronic circuit protection
- Integrated automotive connector
- Immunity to external magnetic fields
Eurosens Direct advantages for installers:
- Special free diagnostic software
- Software function of flow direction reverse
- Smart software processing of fuel flow pulses allows to avoid use of check valves. It mimimize hydraulic resistance of system and very important factor.
- High quality of measuring chambers
- Warranty term – 3 years, without limitation of passed flow.
- You can use specially designed Deaerator device to remove air from fuel system.
- Connecting thread М14х1,5
- Power voltage, V 10 – 50
- Protection from polarity reversal Yes
- Measuring accuracy ±1%
- Temperature range,°C -40 — +85
- Max pressure, MPa 2,5
- Maximum flow rate in l/h 500
- Output interface impulses, RS-232, RS-485, K-Line, CAN
- Seal rating IP 67
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