EvapTech - Model EX Series - Cooling Tower
From Power Generation
An EvapTech EX Cooling Tower is an induced draft, crossflow tower custom designed to meet our customers' requirements for cost, footprint, power consumption and pumphead.
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Crossflow Tower Arrangements
A variety of crossflow tower layouts are available to meet the unique plot requirements of each individual customer. An inline tower is the standard layout for efficiency reasons, but parallel and round configurations are also options when the overall length of an inline solution is not practical.
Round Configuration
When site restrictions dictate truly thinking outside the crossflow 'box', a round configuration may provide the solution.
In-Line Configuration
The most efficient and cost effective approach to tower design. Constructing the tower in a linear fashion provides the arrangement with the least parasitic power consumption, including reduced fan energy consumption and lowest pumping head. By providing efficient entering air access, the tower height and cost is minimized.
Parallel In-Line Configuration
When dictated by site constraints that would not allow a long single tower in-line arrangement, why not consider splitting the tower into two or more units arranged in a parallel in-line configuration.
Mechanical Equipment Support
Equally as important as the mechanical component selection, equipment support design utilizing a properly sized round torque tube to effectively restrain rotational dynamic loads is essential to assuring the longevity of these costly and critical tower components. The devil is in the details and the design details of support bracing and its attachment to the tower structure will determine if the support effectively restrains rotational and vibration loads.
The EvapTech Edge:
Support Sizing: EvapTech properly sizes the torque tube for the fan diameter and applied horsepower - Flexing of undersized supports is a common cause of reduced gear, motor, and driveshaft operating life.
Support Design: Equipment mounting plates braced against movement in all directions - simple bent plates welded to the tube do not provide the rigidity required by the driveshaft and will ultimately lead to failure of the shaft and gear/motor bearings.
Positive Positioning: Jack bolts are provided for ease of alignment and assure properly secured motor and gear placement - do not rely upon a simple spiral pin to maintain alignment during numerous start/stop cycles.
Structural Attachment: Torque tube loading must be applied directly to the tower's vertical column framing with steel plates bolted directly from the support to vertical framing members - never allow horizontal framing members, plastic grommets, or hollow leg fan deck panels sandwiched between the support and tower framing to be used to transmit loads.
Vibration Bracing: Diagonal bracing immediately below the supports transmits and spreads loads into the surrounding structure - Both pultruded fiberglass and timber are unidirectional strength materials, anticipating that vibration loading will be adequately restrained by moment loading of these members will result in a substantially reduced life cycle of mechanical components.
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