Solar Fabrik GmbH

Solar Fabrik GmbH

- Model S4 - 420-430W Halfcut Mono Module


The Solar Fabrik Mono S4 Innovation Powerline module with a max. system voltage of 1500V is a double glass module with bifacial monocrystalline half cell technology and available in the power classes 420W, 425W and 430W.

Product Details

Bifacial cells achieve up to 30% higher energy yields due to a transparent back.

The Mono S4 Innovation Powerline module is characterised by the N-type cell technology. The wafers of the N-type module are positively charged at the top and negatively charged at the bottom. This gives the module a lower temperature coefficient and thus higher yields.

Warranty claims are 30 years on the product and 30 years on the performance. For more information, please refer to the product data sheet and the warranty conditions.

Technical Data

  • Number of cells: 108 N-Type bifacial monocrystalline half cells
  • Module dimensions: 1722 x 1134 x 30 mm
  • Weight: ca. 23.7 kg
  • Type of Frame: Anodized aluminium alloy
  • Glass thickness: 2.0 mm
  • Max. system voltage: 1500 V
  • Reverse current loading capability: 30 A
  • Junction box rating: IP68
  • Module connection: MC4 or similar
  • Cable diameter: 4.0 mm²
  • Cable length: (+) ≥ 1400 mm, (−) ≥ 1400 mm
  • Snow load: 5400 Pa ≅ 540 kg/m²
  • Allowable Hail Load: 50 mm iceball with velocity of 32,2 m/s
  • Fire class: A according to IEC standard 61730-2 (UL 790, UL 1703)

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