Total S.A

Total S.A

Fields of Expertise and Capabilities Services



At Total, we know that we can meet global energy challenges by diversifying the kinds of energy we use. We have to meet growing energy demand while at the same time shrinking our environmental footprint.

Solar Energy Production Can Be Efficient

Solar Energy Production Can Be Efficient

SunPower has been banking on innovation for nearly 40 years, filing more than 200 patents. Today, its solar panels are the most efficient in the world, converting 21.5% of solar energy to power, compared to around 17% for a standard product. As a result, users emit 40% less greenhouse gas than standard panel* users. What’s more, the cells are highly reliable, with power levels almost unchanged over 25 years. This performance has earned SunPower® panels the Total Ecosolutions label.
The World's Second-Biggest Photovoltaic Solar Operator

SunPower’s teams — experts in the field — are proficient in every area of photovoltaics, specifically:

  • R&D in high-efficiency solar technology.
  • Manufacturing solar cells and assembling them into panels. 
  • Creating systems for homes and businesses.
  • Designing turnkey solar power plants like the Solar Star Projects in California, the world’s biggest photovoltaic development.

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