Flower Turbines

Flower Turbines

- Medium Tulip Wind Turbine


The Medium Tulip Wind Turbine by Flower Turbines features a unique patented Bouquet Effect, enhancing the performance of each unit by improving the output of neighboring turbines. This leads to optimized energy generation, with four turbines positioned together producing more power than eight separate units. The medium turbine is distinguished by its capability to start spinning at wind speeds as low as 2 mph, capturing energy from even gentle breezes. With a 6-foot blade height, it demonstrates impressive durability, enduring winds up to 120.8 mph. The turbine is built with thermoplastic blades, weighs approximately 216 lbs, and has a design lifespan of 40 years, subject to annual checks. It offers versatile installation options on both ground and roof, making it ideal for achieving energy independence and supplementing existing solar systems. Customers can enjoy clean, renewable energy for homes or businesses, whether they are on or off the grid.


One of the key innovations that sets Flower Turbines apart is the patented Bouquet Effect, which enhances the performance of each turbine by improving the output of its neighboring units. Our turbines work even better together, with four positioned together producing more than eight turbines separated.

With our Medium Turbines, you can:

  • Achieve energy independence.
  • Generate clean, renewable energy for your home or business.
  • Be on or off the grid.
  • Supplement your solar energy systems.
  • Place turbines on both the ground and roof.


  • Width: 545.592 mm (1.79 ft.)
  • Height: 2.615 m (8.58 ft.)
  • Blade Height: ≈ 2 m (6.56 ft)
  • Total Weight: ≈216 lbs (97.976 kg)
  • Blade material: Thermoplastic
  • Cut-in Wind Speed: 1.57 mph (0.7 m/s)
  • Max Survival Wind Speed: 120.8 mph (54 m/s)
  • Design Life: 40 Years (Must be checked annually)

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