Fluidized Bed Firing
NOZZLES FOR FLUIDIZED BED COMBUSTION. Wood, coal, petrol coke, animal meal, sewage sludge or (industrial) waste – the fuels are as diverse as the nozzles in use. The hostile environmental conditions embed special requirements concerning the nozzles composition and material. Our nozzles are commonly produced in investment casting, using special heat resistant alloys. As geometrical adaptions lead to multiple interactions in the boiler, optimizations require a maximum of know-how and experience.
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Your nozzles work fine and you are satisfied with their service life? Very well!
If you believe your nozzles could perform better or don’t match your expectations – here are some ideas to improve: different alloys in two-component nozzles, changes to the air stream, nozzle holes made out of ceramic, simplifications in the assembly into the nozzle grate – many solutions are possible in collaboration with a competent partner.
WVT Breiding produces nozzles according to highest technical standards.
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