Forster - 3×630kw Francis Turbine Hydro Power Plant
From Francis Turbine
Francis turbine has the advantages of compact structure, high efficiency and can adapt to a wide range of water head of turbine type. It is one of the widely used ar 20KW mini hydro turbine-generator ound the world; When the water flow through the turbine wheel, it enters to radial, axial flow, so it is also called the radial axial flow turbine; Francis turbine is also called the Francis turbine. The water flow from the surrounding radial inflow runner, then approximate axial flow runner, runner by the crown, under the ring and the blade.
Short Description
Net Head: 50m
Design Flow: 1.52m3/s
Capacity: 630KW
Turbine real machine efficiency: 89%
Rated Efficiency of Generator: 92%
Rated rotating speed: 750rpm/min
Generator: Brushless Excitation
Blade Material: Stainless Steel
Installation Method: Horizontal
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