For.Tec. Forniture Tecnologiche S.r.l.

For.Tec. Forniture Tecnologiche S.r.l.

- Model MB - Containerized Mobile Incinerators



Our models of MB mobile incinerator ovens are designed to be installed inside a container or on a trailer in order to be able to intervene immediately and directly on the waste production site, these incinerators are equipped with a fuel tank and energy generator and therefore can also operate in isolated places or disaster areas. The MB series includes both static and rotary incinerators, with a load capacity of up to 2500 kg/cycle and destructive capacity of up to 500 kg/h, it is ideal for the disposal of whole animals, slaughtering waste, food processing waste from food markets, waste from livestock farms or veterinary clinics, for the treatment of industrial waste with high humidity and hospital waste, including infectious waste.

Product Details

Our mobile incinerators are specially designed to be simple to use, quick to install, efficient, safe and environmentally friendly.

  • Simple to use - they do not require any type of technical specialization
  • Respect for the environment - the post-combustion process carries out an intensive treatment of the fumes before releasing them into the atmosphere
  • Safe and clean - the waste will be completely destroyed at the production site, thus avoiding any further treatment of the waste
  • Low running and maintenance costs - running costs are limited to the cost of the fuel used, maintenance is simple and cheap
  • Efficient - they are the right solution to solve the problem of infected waste from hospitals, dialysis centers or small farms
  • Quick and easy installation - installation takes a few minutes
  • Autonomy of operation - they are equipped with fuel tank and energy generator to be able to work in complete autonomy
  • Available in multiple versions - with load capacity up to 2500 kg/cycle and destructive capacity up to 500 kg/h

The effluent gases from the incineration chamber flow into a postcombustion chamber through a calibrated duct; within the postcombustion chamber, they are guaranteed conditions that allow the perfect removal of VOC, as prescribed by the current anti-pollution regulations, namely:

  • Time contact gas: > 2'
  • Working temperature: > 850°C
  • Free oxygen level: > 6%
  • Entry speed: 10 m/s

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