Furnace Linings for Blast Furnaces
From Cathodes and Furnace Linings
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In the beginning of the 60ies, the refractory lini...
In the beginning of the 60ies, the refractory lining of the lower part up to the middle stack of blast furnaces was turned successfully to carbon and graphite materials. SGL Group actively pushed this development. The improvement of material and design solutions has significantly increased the productivity and campaign life of Blast Furnaces since then. SGL Group has been an expert partner to the steel industry since the beginning. SGL Group is able to meet all specific requirements for Blast Furnaces due to the most comprehensive product range of the Furnace Linings Industry. The range consists of carbon and graphite grades including supermicroporous carbons and microporous ceramic carbons, glues and cements to cater to the specific needs of the different areas in the Blast Furnace or Submerged Arc (Reduction) Furnace. Intensive development work ensures continued best solutions for the future. SGL Group provides state-of-the-art machining with the tightest tolerances. Several assembly plates shorten lead-times and reduce the number of inspections.
- Standard Carbon
- Micropore Carbon
- Microporous Ceramic Carbon
- Microporous Semi-Graphite
- Standard Graphite
- Low Iron Graphite
We gladly assist and consult you in the selection of the most suitable material solution for your specific furnace design.
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