Gamesa Electric

Gamesa Electric

- Power Plant Controller



Gamesa Electric Power Plant Controller (PPC) allows fulfilling different Country Grid Codes at Point Common Coupling (PCC).  It is also a Gamesa Electric own design which guarantees full synchronization and interoperability with Gamesa E-Inverters.

Products Details

In order to improve the grid quality, grid operators are increasingly demanding to new PV Plants higher and higher technical requirements, such as:

  • On-demand active and reactive power generation capability in order to match grid power generation and consumption.
  • Capability of Power Factor regulation at PCC. The Inverters shall regulate reactive current in order to match the power factor required by the operator at PCC.
  • Capability of Voltage regulation at PCC. The Inverters shall regulate reactive current in order to normally obtain a PCC voltage of 1 p.u.
  • LVRT: Reactive current injection during voltage dips or immediately after the voltage dip.
  • Occasionally control of additional equipment as capacitor/inductor bank or STATCOM for reactive power/voltage regulation could be required to fulfill the above requirements. A new trend is the requirement of energy storage capability, actually required by some grid operators. BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems) should also be controlled in this scenario.

Thanks to the flexibility of the control and monitoring system of Gamesa Electric PV Inverters and the Gamesa Power plant Controller, it is possible to ensure continuous adaptation to new requirements and compliance with the most demanding standards. Functions as active or reactive power priority, reactive power generation at night, active or reactive ramp control, management of BESS and hybrid diesel-PV generation based on special customer requirements, are also available as advanced characteristics of the Power Plant Controller.

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