Moran Iron Works

Moran Iron Works

Gas Turbine Inlet and Exhaust Equipment


Whether you are in the need of retrofit upgrades or a complete replacement, Moran Iron Works has the capability to produce custom components for a variety of turbine manufacturers including General Electric, Siemens, Mitsubishi-Hitachi and Pratt & Whitney, among others.

Solutions Based Partnership

  • On-site inspection of existing systems

  • Detailed inspection reporting

  • Failure assessment

  • Evaluations and recommendations

  • Reverse engineered designs

  • Value-added installation aids



Whether you are in the need of retrofit upgrades or a complete replacement, Moran Iron Works has the capability to produce custom components for a variety of turbine manufacturers including General Electric, Siemens, Mitsubishi-Hitachi and Pratt & Whitney, among others.

Our engineering department works closely with you to ensure a smooth project execution.

A focus on lean process eliminates product handling by using in-house machining for cutting, punching, rolling, etc.

World class welders using state-of-the-art equipment provide the utmost in quality and value.

Our team of Certified Welding Inspectors exceed industry standards with thorough inspection procedures

Our Sophisticated Paint Endorsement allows us a first-rate coating quality management system from surface preparation to coating application. 

Top-notch logistical capabilities for truck or barge shipment to locations throughout the world.

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