Gfuve - Model GF106 CT PT - Transformer Tester
From Transformer Test
GF106 CT/PT TESTER is mainly used for field testing, it can finish the measurements (M) and protection (P) class CT, PT and TYP class CT. Adopt LCD, self-equipped mini type printer supporting field printing; supporting to use USB flash disk to dump data, with simple and convenient operation.
Most popular related searches
- Steady and transient state characteristic tests of various types of CT/PT
- The use of advanced power technology, the test knee point reaches up to 40kV
- No external other auxiliary equipment, stand-alone to complete all test items
- CT test, easy to test, all the tests are using the same wire connection except the load test
- It carries with thermal printer, so it can print test results on site
- Parameters such as knee point current and voltage
- Parameters such as 10% error curve, 5% error curve
- The device can store 3000 groups of test data which would not be lost if the device is power off.
- The data can be displayed and analyzed after the test, or transferred to PC through USB disk and produce a Word file report
- Portability: weight < 12kg
Main Functions
- excitation characteristic : secondary winding time constant (Ts)
- transformation ratio : remanence coefficient (Kr)
- polarity : transient dimensioning factor (Ktd)
- ratio error : peak instantaneous error (Er)
- phases : magnetizing inductance (LU)
- 5% and 10% error curves : other parameters
- resistance
- secondary load
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