Gill Sensors & Controls Limited

Gill Sensors & Controls Limited

- Model 4142 FIA - Ultrasonic Fuel Flow Meter



The Gill Ultrasonic Fuel Flow Meter is compact, lightweight and designed to withstand extreme levels of vibration and temperature. The Fuel Flow Meter uses proven solid-state ultrasonic flow measurement technology to detect bi-directional fuel flow rates up to 8000ml/min. The fuel flow meter is capable of monitoring both transient and steady fuel flow, flow direction, fuel temperature and cumulative fuel usage.

Product Details

With no mechanical moving parts within the flow path, pressure drop is minimised providing true flow rate data with little impact on the fuel flow itself. Featuring a newly-developed electronic platform, which integrates the latest technology, the meter is capable of measuring fuel flow rate at 2kHz.

The Ultrasonic Fuel Flow Meter has been designed for use with all fuel types, including petroleum, gasoline, diesel and aggressive ethanol blends.

This meter has been certified by the FIA for use in the 2016/17 Formula 1 and World Endurance Championship (WEC).

Technical Data

  • Measurement Range: 8000 ml/min
  • Output: CAN ISO 11898-2 (high speed applications)
  • Accuracy: +/-0.5% at flow rates > 700ml/min
  • Flow Measurement Rate:
    • 1.2KHz internal measurement rate
    • CAN outputs at 100Hz, with filtering
  • Supply Voltage: 4.75V to 22.0V DC

Supply Current:

  • Operating Temperature: -20° to +85°C
  • Ingress Protection: IP68, 300kPa for 2 hours in water
  • Temperature Measurement: 2 x PT-1000 immersed sensors

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