Gouda Geo-Equipment B.V.

Gouda Geo-Equipment B.V.

- Screw Anchors for Securing Stays / Guys



Many temporary and permanent structures are to be secured to the ground by means of stays anchored into the ground. For this application a complete system has been developed composing of purposely designed extendable ground anchors, that can be installed easily using a powerful hydraulic wrench.

Products Details

These ground anchors have proved to be ideal for securing structures in soft to medium dense soils. They can ascertain a holding capacity of up to 5 T (50 kN) depending on the geology, blade diameter, anchoring depth, angle of penetration, etc. The holding capacity can be (and is recommended to be) proof tested on site using simple lightweight portable equipment.

The fact that the anchors are screwed into the ground implies that no excavation or working in deep un-shuttered holes is needed. The anchoring system can be rapidly deployed directly into undisturbed soil.

Typical Applications

The screw anchors are typically used to secure the cable stays into the ground for the following:

  • Large frame tents and pole tents
  • Stage structures
  • Scaffolds
  • Adventure rides
  • Antenna masts
  • Telecommunication backstay poles
  • Buoyancy control for pipelines
  • Power distribution poles
  • Power line crossings
  • Security anchoring to protect against theft of picnic tables, benches etc. for municipalities
  • Tree anchoring to stabilize and irrigate newly planted trees

Many Advantages

  • Installation is fast, easy and cost effective
  • Minimal environmental impact and low site disturbance
  • Preliminary on-site evaluation / testing
  • No need for excavation
  • Detailed installation guides

The Set Comprises of

  • Purposely designed hydraulic wrench for driving ground anchors into and out of the ground. To be operated by 2 persons. Max. torque: 2000 Nm, max. loaded speed: 30 RPM. The hydraulic wrench is dividable in 3 parts for easy transport and handling; both aluminium reaction arms can be removed from the part with hydraulic motor and gearbox.
  • Lightweight hydraulic power-pack mounted on the frame 2 balloon-tyres and handles at both ends for pulling/pushing/carrying . The power-pack features a Hatz 1B40 diesel engine (7 kW (10 HP) @ 3600 rpm, hand-started), aluminium hydraulic tank, hydraulic pump, and 2 hydraulic hoses.
  • Ground anchor (D = 250, 300 or 400 mm, L = 1300 mm) tapered shape anchor blades, making them very suitable for difficult soil conditions. The tip of the ground anchor is hardened assuring longevity even under the most difficult circumstances.
  • Extension rods for ground anchors (L = 1000 mm) to be used to increase the length of the ground anchor. They are most useful at sites where the soil at the surface is very weak, but the strength of the soil increases with a little depth. The extension rods can be invaluable at a site where there is a layer of fill covering stronger native soil.

Note: The hydraulic wrench is also suitable to make a pre-drill hole of 120 mm using the pre-drill auger and the anchor extension rods.

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