Green Elephant Engeneering Pvt. Ltd.

Green Elephant Engeneering Pvt. Ltd.

- Technology


Anaerobic Digester: Anaerobic digestion involves the fermentation process to disintegrate organic waste from animals, crops, or wastewater in order to produce biogas.

Services Overview

H2S Removal Technology

Our methods are able to treat biogas to eradicate H2S from it. Thus we produce pure biogas with almost zero degradation.

CO2 Removal Technology

Traditionally biogas is upgraded to use as a renewable natural gas. And our built-in water scrubbing technology upgrades biogas by removing CO2 from it.

GreenBoxtm Technology

Green Box is a converter, a mini biogas plant, that transforms organic waste into biogas. Developed by Green Elephant, it is extolled by our customers.

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