Griffin Dewatering Corporation

- Hydraulic Power Units



Griffin’s Hydraulic Power Units are available in five standard sizes; 250 Series, 400 Series, 600 Series, 800 Series and 825 Series. These units are self contained, portable, diesel-driven or electric-driven hydraulic power units. These units are capable of powering hydraulic submersible pumps or other hydraulic equipment.

Due to the ability to throttle the engine, a wide ...

Due to the ability to throttle the engine, a wide variety of hydraulic flow and pressure can be delivered. These Griffin units operate efficiently at a wide range of conditions. They can be positioned in remote locations without the need for electrical power and at distances of 150 feet or greater away from the pumphead itself.

Also, through the use of biodegradable hydraulic oils, these units are an environmentally friendly solution. Each unit is also equipped with a hydraulic relief valve to insure safe operation.


  • Available in 5 standard Series
  • Self-contained, portable diesel-driven hydraulic power units
  • Capable of powering hydraulic submersible pumps or other hydraulic equipment
  • No need for electricity in remote areas
  • Operates efficiently at a wide range of conditions
  • Trailer mounted with fuel tank and diesel engines

Hydraulic power units and variable-use vacuum-assi...


Hydraulic power units and variable-use vacuum-assisted non clog pumps being used on a bypass project in Phoenix, Arizona.

Griffin Farwest was contacted to provide pumps and backup for what was believed to be peak flow. As it later turned out peak flow was miscalculated by the customer and it was necessary to increase the number of pumping units. Griffin added additional pumps to handle the flow without disrupting the project. When unforeseen circumstances arise Griffin does what is needed to get the job done.

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