Guascor Energy S.A.U.

Guascor Energy S.A.U.

- Model SL - Gas Engines



Ideal for power generation, cogeneration/trigeneration, mechanical drive and marine applications – the lean burn, electronically carbureted SL gas engines have an output range from 209 to 1150 kWb at 50 Hz and 60 Hz. Providing an excellent solution when fueled by natural gas, landfill and sewage gas, flare and well gas, LPG& propane, syngas and also hydrogen, the SL Series is a cost-efficient choice in both implementation and service.


Great fuel flexibility and with fuel blending availability, this series is also an eco-friendly solution.

Along with fast start availability, a high load acceptance capability is one of the main features of this engine series. Robust, reliable and with superb fuel flexibility, this Otto cycle turbocharged and charge-aircooled engine series features a single or double circuit cooling system.

There is a high temperature option in the main cooling circuit, with temperatures of up to 120ºC possible. If required, the auxiliary cooling circuit can deliver a different temperature.

The main cooling circuit may also feature an oil cooler. With a dry or wet exhaust manifold, single or double stage charge-air cooler and reduced oil consumption, this series of engines can include emissions control if required and is
compliant with the latest U.S emissions standards, being EPA certified for natural gas power generation, for example. Supplied as a standalone engine, genset or in a fully containerized unit, integrated GCS-E and GCS-G genset control systems are available for some applications.

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