Clayton Industries

Clayton Industries

Heat Recovery Steam Generator



Clayton Heat Recovery Steam Generators are in operation around the world serving co-generation plants, thermal oxidizers, incinerators and many other applications. Systems are able to produce high pressure steam—up to 450 psig—as well as high temperature hot water. Clayton manufactures two types of heat recovery products:

Products Details

Exhaust Gas Boilers
Built from smooth tube modular sections similar to our fired steam generator coil sections, Clayton Exhaust Gas Boilers are capable of operating with gas temperatures up to 1000°F, and gas flows in the range of 2,500 to 150,000 lbs/hr. Clayton's modular bare tube design offers the design engineer ultimate flexibility in system configuration. By selecting from numerous potential coil sizes, a heat recovery boiler can be arranged to extract the optimum amount of heat to produce useful energy. Clayton engineers work from a comprehensive computer design program to size the heat transfer surface and feedwater requirements.

The modular design allows the coil sections to be assembled to accept gas flow in either an upward or downward flow pattern. Horizontal arrangements are also available. Soot blowing and water washing systems are available for dirty gas streams such as the exhaust from heavy oil fired diesel engines. If required, Clayton will furnish a bypass system with interlocking controls. The bare tube coil design allows the heat recovery generator to operate at temperatures as high as 850°F in a dry condition.

Clayton Waste Heat Boilers
Built from the coil sections of Clayton's fired steam generators, these units are used for higher exhaust gas inlet temperatures up to 3,000°F, and are capable of handling exhaust gas flows in the general range of 1,000 to 30,000 lbs/hr. They can be supplied with refractory lined ducting and various configurations of inlet/outlet arrangements. Additional economizer sections can be added to enhance performance to best suit the application.

Pump/Steam Separator Equipment
Both types of Waste Heat/Exhaust Heat Recovery Boilers are normally provided with skid mounted feedwater pumps and steam separator/accumulator components. Additionally, complete feedwater treatment systems are provided to assure proper treatment and handling of system flows.

Clayton Recovery Configurations
Clayton offers Exhaust Gas boilers in different piping configurations to best fit the application. The system that is used for a specific application depends upon the composition of the exhaust gas and the steam/hot water temperature desired. The following are examples of the configurations that can be employed:

This system provides efficient heat transfer with a simple once-through design.

This system is designed to eliminate concern about dew point corrosion by providing an elevated feedwater temperature through a recirculation flow path.

Lamont System:
This system provides a split flow design for greater heat absorption when large amounts of exhaust flow and high steam flows are required.

High-Temperature Hot Water System:
This system is designed to be used in a closed loop system generating high temperatures and/or hot water. Minimum inlet water temperature is dependent on the exhaust heat source.

Combi System:
This system combines an unfired and fired heat exchanger together with a common steam separator. This can be used when the prime source of heat is insufficient for the steam demand or when the prime source of heat is intermittent.

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