Heat Systems - Model TR-Series - Indirect Fired Rotary Kilns
From Renewables
The carbon hoppers have been designed to effectively and efficiently dewater the carbon prior to entering the kiln. This style of hopper provides a much more user friendly dewatering option and is almost impossible to block. Cutting edge seal design. Provision of a ‘dewatering complete’ signal which avoids subjective and wasteful dewatering downtime as well as ensuring consistent feed moisture content for optimum regeneration. More efficient heat transfer achieved through features such as a curved top cover, finned heat tube, optimized baffle plate and the application of innovative insulation and reflective paint. Added and improved inspection hatches, easily accessible bolts and lifting lugs.
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Product Overview
The split discharge chamber design means that a heat tube change can be completed in hours, rather than days.
There is no requirement for any product pre-drying with the TR series kiln. This is historically a high maintenance and blockage prone area of the process. Our design maintains high energy efficiency via extended heat transfer surfaces around the tube.
Additionally, HEAT Systems has provided for dewatering physically in the hopper as well as below the hopper through the easy service pipe screen.
In contrast to other manufacturers, the TR series kiln does not require a water cooled discharge chamber, therefore removing the requirement for the supply of large and constant volumes of cooling water. A dry back-end prevents historical issues with tar condensation and blockage in this area.
- The carbon hoppers have been designed to effectively and efficiently dewater the carbon prior to entering the kiln. This style of hopper provides a much more user friendly dewatering option and is almost impossible to block.
- Cutting edge seal design.
- Provision of a ‘dewatering complete’ signal which avoids subjective and wasteful dewatering downtime as well as ensuring consistent feed moisture content for optimum regeneration.
- More efficient heat transfer achieved through features such as a curved top cover, finned heat tube, optimized baffle plate and the application of innovative insulation and reflective paint.
- Added and improved inspection hatches, easily accessible bolts and lifting lugs.
- The split discharge chamber design means that a heat tube change can be completed in hours, rather than days.
- There is no requirement for any product pre-drying with the TR series kiln. This is historically a high maintenance and blockage prone area of the process. Our design maintains high energy efficiency via extended heat transfer surfaces around the tube.
- Additionally, HEAT Systems has provided for dewatering physically in the hopper as well as below the hopper through the easy service pipe screen.
- In contrast to other manufacturers, the TR series kiln does not require a water cooled discharge chamber, therefore removing the requirement for the supply of large and constant volumes of cooling water. A dry back-end prevents historical issues with tar condensation and blockage in this area.
There are 5 standard kiln sizes on offer. The heat tube in each model is limited by volume, and the volumetric throughput rates below can be converted to mass throughput rates once the bulk density is known.
- TR550 < 0.7 m3/h: 250kg/h
- TR800 < 1.4 m3/h: 500kg/h
- TR1200 < 3.4 m3/h: 1200kg/h
- TR1800 < 6.5 m3/h: 2400kg/h
- TR2100 < 8.7 m3/h: 3200kg/h
Each model is designed to handle up to 50% moisture content in the feed. It’s important to note that these throughputs are based on 20 minutes residence time. If more residence time is needed then these throughputs should be de-rated accordingly. If unsure, please contact us and we will provide a customized assessment for your application. Furthermore, each kiln can be provided with a customized fuel option, ranging from LPG, NG, Diesel and Heavy Oil to Electric and Biogas. Operating temperatures up to 900degC are typical.
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