HeatMatrix Group B.V.

HeatMatrix Group B.V.

- Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Systems



Cold spot corrosion problems and mechanical failures limit heat recovery. Polymer economisers are corrosion resistant and designed for leak proof thermal expansion.

Products Details

Your CHP has additional waste heat recovery potential
Improve CHP energy efficiency

The thermal efficiency of your CHP can be improved  by using a polymer economiser.

Lower CHP CO2 emissions

Thermal efficiency increase of your CHP results in CO2 emission reduction.

Decrease CHP fuel costs

By recovering additional waste heat, less fuel is needed to achieve the required thermal duty of your CHP.

Waste heat recovery on CHP systems is limited by corrosion and mechanical failures

Energy is lost via the stack

A gas engine or gas turbine is used to generate power and heat. Waste heat from the flue gas is recovered to generate steam or hot water. A typical CHP is already equipped with an economiser to preheat boiler feed water. The flue gas temperature downstream of this economiser typically tends to be >120 °C, which means energy loss.

Cold Spot corrosion problems

Depending on fuel type, heat exchangers may suffer from cold spot corrosion due to relatively cold tube skin temperatures. This limits heat recovery. Enhancing further thermal efficiency is possible by installing a corrosion resistant economiser which recovers additional heat from the flue gas. This results in extra energy savings.

Mechanical failure

Conventional heat exchangers suffer from mechanical failure due to stresses that are developed by thermal expansion. This results in leaking equipment and loss of heat recovery.

How to recover more waste heat from your CHP

Use flue gas heat to warm up boiler feed, make-up or process water

The simplest and most economical way to improve the efficiency of your CHP is by applying an additional economiser to preheat boiler feed water, make-up water or process water. In case of flue gases with high acid dew points the stainless steel or polymer economiser of HeatMatrix can be applied. This economiser is insensitive to acid dew point corrosion and can recover energy from your flue gas under harsh conditions.

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