
- Thermal Energy Storage Systems


HeatTank is the revolution of thermal energy storage systems. Depending on the problems that need to be solved, HeatTank can be installed in different ways.


  • Peak performance management
  • Safety backup cooling/heating system
  • Increase the stability of the HVAC systems
  • Increase the efficiency of the thermal energy systems

It is possible to use the HeatTank for multiple purposes, for example  it can be responsible for peak performance management and increase the efficiency in off-peak periods.

Peak performance management

Usually the design of the cooling system is made for the hottest few summer days. The designers take into account the increase of the outside temperature even in the next 5-10 years. An oversized system equals less efficiency, shorter lifetime and more maintanace costs.

With HeatTank, the cooling system is able to provide the cooling energy in 95% of the year.

Check out our example:

Figure 1 shows that traditionally when the outside temperature is 39 °C and the cooling need is 80 kW, the chosen chiller will be 90 – 100 kW. If we design the system for 95% of the year, the cooling need will be 58,5 kW, which means 37% size reduction compared to the 80 kW system. The system is able to serve the needs in most of the time except for 84 hours (which is divided to 20 days, including 8 weekend days). (It is a typical case in Central Europe.) When there are additional needs, HeatTank will be part of the system and cover the peak needs as an extra cooling energy source.

For peak performance management price-value calculations are required. This purpose is usable where the cooling needs are changing during a day, for example the cooling needs depend on the change of the outside temperature or when the inner heat generation is changing during the day (like in a meeting room). It can also be used for very humid environments, where the peaks are defined by the humidity. The purpose of the HeatTank is to cover the additional needs in peak time.

Safety backup cooling

Safety backup cooling means that the stored thermal energy is usable immediately in case of emergency, when the air-conditioning system needs minutes to get back its maximum cooling performance after a blackout. HeatTank is able to ensure the cooling needs for 15-20 minutes.

Increase the stability of the cooling system

The outdoor item of the cooling system has to turn on and off frequently which will decrease its efficiency and its lifetime. The purpose of the HeatTank is to reduce the starts per hour and reduce the partial load periods.

The problem

The cooling systems work with changing efficiency during a day. When the outside temperature is low (usually at night) the efficiency is high, but when the outside temperature is high (usually at midday) the efficiency is low. Which means that when the outside temperature is low we can generate more cooling energy from one unit of electricity than when the outside temperature is high.


The second possibility is free-cooling. When the outside temperature is lower than the inside temperature the cooling potential of the outside air can be used. We use indirect free-cooling with 2 independent heat exchange surfaces, so the moisture and dust do not get in the building.

Increasing free-cooling period

The third option is increasing the free-cooling period. When free-cooling is only available during the night or for only a few hours per day, HeatTank can be fully loaded and used when the free-cooling is not possible anymore.

Energy Efficiency Ratio

The EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) of the cooling systems are based on the outside temperature and the air humidity. In case of a lower outside temperature the EER is higher, meaning that the energy consumption could be reduced by generating the cooling energy in the most efficient periods (e.g. at night). HeatTank stores this cooling energy and uses it when the efficiency is lower. Figure 2. shows the real efficiency of a modern chiller, based on measurements.

Further our customers get a balanced energy consumption which is favorable at negotiation with energy suppliers. It is also possible to use the energy tariff difference between peak and off-peak periods (if it is available in your country).

EER in function of outside temperature

As we discussed above the EER depends on the outside temperature and the partial load. On the diagram you can see the frequentness of the outside temperatures in Hungary.

Store waste heat energy

The heat generation and the need for the heat are usually different in time. When you have a solar collector you collect the heat during the day but you will use it during the night. It is the same in the industry. There are several gas engines working in Virtual Power Plant mode, which means that they operate when the whole electricity system has to be controlled, so the electricity generation is more important than the heat generation which is fluctuating and different in time than the needs of the heat. In this cases we have to store the heat as a thermal battery.

The control system and energy report

With our control system HeatTank always works at an optimal level as we can control the charging and discharging periods, to gain even higher energy savings. In additio,n we offer energy reports to our clients regarding the operation of their energy systems and the quantity of the saved electricity.

Parts of the HeatTank

The 3 possibilities to save energy with HeatTank.


HeatTank has its own controller unit. It contains the hardware and the software as well. This controller's main task is to work on optimization of the cooling from 30 facts. It is patented.


HeatTank has its own designed tank. The tank’s design and structure is patented. Its capacity and performance is great and it comes in a small size. We have an experienced and recognized manufacturer partner.

Phase Change Material

There are several phase change materials that we use. We decided to use these materials after many years of research. These are completely harmless for the environment and for humanity. Their lifetime is about 30 years, if we calculate with one phase change per day. We have several suppliers who can ensure the material supply.

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