HM3Biocoal - Coal Replacement Fuel
Carbon neutral HM3BiocoalTM works as drop-in coal replacement fuel to extend the lives of existing powder coal plants. It also provides a more environmentally friendly and superior alternative to the white pellets for the export market for use in both coal-fired and biomass-fired power plants.
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Mercury and sulfur emissions eliminated – Es...
- Mercury and sulfur emissions eliminated – Essentially no sulfur or mercury is contained in exhaust gases upon combustion of TorrB® biocoal.
- NOx Emissions greatly reduced – NOx emissions are reduced by more than 50%.
- Same Power Production Rate as Coal – Power production remains the same as with coal, while use of white pellets or raw wood in any form substantially reduces power production.
- Uses existing pulverizer – No material modifications needed to start using TorrB® biocoal.
- Ships and Handles Like Coal – TorrB® biocoal arrives in open hopper cars and can be stored outdoors without cover, just like coal.
- No Adverse Effects on Boiler – Test burns of TorrB® biocoal in the coal boiler shows it burns like coal with no material negative impacts.
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