Accurate Corrosion Control Inc.

Accurate Corrosion Control Inc.

- Model Type SO - Shunt Module


High Current Capacity High Quality Terminals Proven in Tough Environments. Din Rail Mounted Shunts, Resistors, and Test Lead Terminals. Use Standard 50mV-50A, Holloway .001 Ohm, or .01 Ohm Wire Shunts.

Shunt Specification

This is a 0.001 ohm shunt is rated at 50 amps and is constructed of #4 manganin wire and 1/4' x 1/2' x 1-1/8' brass end plates for mounting. Mounting holes in the brass plates are made for 1/4'-20 screws and are on 3-3/8' centers. 10-32 screws are provided for permanent lead connections.

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