HORIZON - High Pressure PET Compressors
From Air Compressors
HORIZON range compressors was conceived with the goal of giving high pressure compressed air to the blowing equipment, with the aim of manufacturing PET bottles at 40 barG pressure.
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Product Details
Horizontal Disposition
HORIZON works practically without vibrations.
Direct Coupled Motor
HORIZON comes with a direct coupled motor transmission, more reliable and efficient.
Variable Speed Drive
HORIZON get additional energy savings thanks to the variable speed drive.
Perfect adaptation/Wide range of regulation.
Double Effect
The design of HORIZON offers optimal performance.
Modular and Compact Design
HORIZON guarantees quick and easy installation.
Heat Recovery System
Saving energy through heat recovery.
HORIZON is capable of providing hot water from all refrigerators for a variety of industrial uses.
Perfect Volumetric Design
Blue The heat generated is eliminated immediately and efficiently by the water chambers in order to achieve an isothermal cycle.
Red The design of the compression chambers allows a uniform and stable distribution of air with lower load losses.
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