HydroQuest SAS

HydroQuest SAS

- Model 2.80 - River Turbine



River current turbine with two levels containing two turbines each.  Minimum water head:  4.2 m. Nominal power output: 80 kW with current flow speed of 3.1 m/s.

Products Details

Unique technology for river current turbines for use right now

HydroQuest builds and sells its HydroQuest River range, the best-performing river current turbines on the market:

  • Predictable, regular and economical energy
  • High energy yield
  • Fast to install, just a few months, no civil engineering needed
  • Barge system moored to river bed with very low impact on river bed ecosystem
  • No visual or audible pollution as the hydrokinetic turbines are submerged
  • Non-polluting energy production in line with an energy transition initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Hydrokinetic turbines should be installed in farms to optimize production, enabling

  • several MW of power output by installing tens of units.
  • The modular design of HydroQuest hydro power turbines optimizes the power output on the installation site.
  • The possibility of juxtaposing turbines in a farm allows us to make the best use of the morphology of the water course.
  • The number of units, the choice of mooring technique and the turbine layout offer a wealth of configuration options for farms.
  • The predictability and regularity of production facilitate connection to local or regional power grids.

HydroQuest delivers global and personal support:

  • Feasibility studies on site
  • Manufacture and assembly
  • Shipping
  • Installation on site
  • Electrical connection
  • Commissioning
  • Training in operation
  • Maintenance
HydroQuest River current turbine range: modular solutions for large and small rivers

HydroQuest River: Two models suited to water depth on sites.

  • Common turbine structure: one turbine,several alternators with permanent magnets, mooring and a service barge.
  • The number of modules, the choice of mooring technique and the turbine layout offer extensive configuration possibilities for hydro power farms.
  • Farms production from 120 kW to 5 MW


Hydrokinetic turbines made by world market leader HydroQuest are reliable, modular, compact, quick to install and offer multiple benefits:

  • Hydroelectric productionrequiring no water cascades.
  • Predictable, regular and economical energy:– Continuous electricity production.
  • High energy yield:– Hydrokinetic turbine load factor above 40 %, the most efficient of renewable sources of electricity production.
  • Rapid implementation and installation:– Approx. 6 months without major structural work.
  • Resistant to river debrisusing a specific diversion system.
  • Lifetime spanning more than 25 years:– Enabled by the tried and tested materials and manufacturing processes used.
  • Simple operation and maintenance:– Rapid return to surface for dry work.- Automatic screen cleaning process.- Remote monitoring system.
  • Configuration suited to your site:– Modular units, number of levels can be adapted to water depth.- Optimized number and arrangement of turbines according to water currents.
  • Very low impact on the environment:– No impact on flora and fauna- No visual or audible impacts- Construction materials easy to recycle

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