ICE - Model BMS - Control Panels
I.C.E. has capability to design and supply for all ancillary instrumentation and controls for combustion equipment, such as:
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Products Details
- Fired heaters and reformer packages
- Claus / SRU equipment
- Incinerator packages
- Flare packages
The scope of supply can be engineering of instruments and parts or complete supply including procurement, testing, site assistance for installation of scope of work. We currently work with the most experienced vendors for instrumentation available in the international vendor lists. We have designed Burner Management Systems and related software using the most common platforms. We have experience with control panels, junction boxes and connections from control room to equipment on field.
We are familiar with all industrial configurations for chemical/petrochemical application including:
- Weather proof
- Instrinsecally safe
- Explosion proof
We have experience with SIL certified equipment and related calculations.
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