- Wood Pellets


Wood pellets is a biofuel made of wood residues (sawdust, wood chips, bark and other). They are produced from raw materials coming from sustainable sources and have good calorific characteristics as well as low ash content. This type of fuel is environmentally friendly due to absence of chemicals and allergens in the pellets.

Our company is active in the supply of industrial ...

Our company is active in the supply of industrial wood pellets (I1, I2, I3) intended for use at power plants, combined heat and power plants and other industrial facilities that use biomass for power generation, with Europe being our target market. Wood pellets are most typically used at combined power and heating plants that have been converted from coal to biomass.

Wood pellets are carbon neutral and therefore have a beneficial effect on environment. While witching from coal to natural gas reduces CO2 emissions by 50%, switching from coal to wood pellets reduces CO2 emissions by 100%. The price for wood pellets is higher than for other types of biomass due to higher quality characteristics.

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