Inciner8 - Model I8-700A - Agricultural Incinerator
From Incinerators - Agricultural - Farm Incinerators
The i8-700A has the second highest capacity in our range of animal incinerators and is suitable for disposing of horses, cattle and other large animals benefiting from a wide opening door and high hourly burn rates. The second biggest model in our agricultural range is the i8-700A. The machine was designed to out perform any other incinerator within its class. It is an ideal disposal solution for farms, shooting practices, slaughterhouses, abattoirs, veterinary practices or similar facilities with high quantities of animals. A top loading design provides liquid retention making this incinerator ideal for incineration of many different waste streams. This model can be customized with viewing windows, external cladding and automatic loading to provide an effective and sustainable waste disposal solution all agrcultrual waste. We offer a plethora of options in terms of pre-processing and post-combustion - all geared to increasing the performance and efficiency of this unit.
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Hand-Built in the UK
All our incinerators are hand-built in the UK by time-served welders and fabricators. Our award-winning design team are always on hand to offer their advice and technical know-how to ensure we get your project off the ground without delay.
We can also assist you in the preparation for your planning or permit application where required.
Technical Specification
Operational Specifications
- Combustion Chamber Volume (m3): 6.75m3
- Burn Rate*: up to 600kg per hour
- Average Fuel Consumption: 40 - 50 ltrs p/h
- Operational Temperature: > 850°C
- Gas Retention in Secondary Chamber: 2 secs
- Temperature Monitoring: Yes
- Average ash residue (%): 3%
- Thermostatic Device: Yes
Physical specifications
- External Length (mm): 6040mm
- External Width (mm): 1910mm
- External Height (mm): 5750mm
- Door Size (mm): 4580 x 1500
- Shipping Weight: 1500kg
For reference only, not to be used for installation purposes. * All burn rates are dependant on the calorific value of the waste being incinerate. Atmospheric conditions,fuel (gas/oil) quality, additonal accessories (autoloader, de-asher) can also have a major impact on actual burn rates.
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