Vital Energi

Vital Energi

Intelligent Energy Manager (IEM)

Vital Efficienci’s Intelligent Energy Manager (IEM) is a package of monitoring, measuring and reporting tools designed to give you complete access to the information you need to plan your energy and carbon reduction strategies. IEM gives you the information you need to take complete control over your energy usage.

From carbon accounting and reporting to data colle...

From carbon accounting and reporting to data collection and consumption forecasting, Intelligent Energy Manager provides the perfect platform on which to build your energy and carbon strategies.

We specialise in providing clients with a complete solution which can afford you the flexibility to save energy and money while driving down your harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

Metering & Data

Gathering and interpreting data and then delivering it in an understandable format is essential to the success of any energy system. IEM can offer you quick, accurate and accessible information including:

  • Surveys
  • Specification
  • Supply
  • Automated Reading & Data (AMR) Collection
  • Compiling AMR Data

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