Inventure Renewables, Inc.

Inventure Renewables, Inc.

- Soap Carbonate Technology


Soapstock byproduct poses a major problem for refineries: it’s difficult to transport and store and has minimal (if any) value. Current industry practice uses sulfuric acid to extract low grade animal feed from this soap and gum residue.

Product Details

Inventure’s patented Soap Carbonate Technology unlocks the hidden value in soap stock, converting residues into valuable, uncontaminated Free Fatty Acids. Inventure’s SCT eliminates the use of sulfuric acid, allows for near complete recovery of targeted oleo-chemical products, generates no acidic wastewater, and traps CO2 as NaHCO3 (this is sodium bicarbonate—aka baking soda) in water. It also has a tremendous metric ton cost advantage over palm oil- or tallow-sourced FFA, as the distilled lipid product generated by the process is valued at four times the price of animal feed.

Inventure’s soap carbonate process technology is marketed exclusively by Air Liquide.

Key Advantages:

  • Valorizes “as-is” soapstock at 25-30 cts/lb
  • Less than 2 years payback on investment
  • Reduces the meal additive byproduct by 75%
  • Zero water discharge
  • Eliminates the use of sulfuric acid and other dangerous chemicals
  • Captures CO2, reducing carbon footprint
  • Technology can be bolted on to most existing facilities, creating a turnkey oleochemical production line that returns soapstock value from acidulators back to the refinery

Feedstocks from any fatty matter/water mix, including:

  • Fatty acids distillate
  • Soapstock
  • Oils/fats mix
  • Gums

Products include:

  • Distilled free fatty acids for oleochemical market
  • Ultra-low carbon intensity feedstock for renewable diesel
  • Distilled water for refinery re-use
  • Meal additive

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