Inverter for Industrial Applications and Plants
From Low Voltage Drives
SECOM has developed its own family of modular Inverter for industrial electronics: SECOMDRIVE. SECOMDRIVE is an innovative solution for all AC applications for automation or renewable energy lines in which high-power asynchronous motors are used. Among the various applications of SECOMDRIVE inverters there are also machines, automatisms and industrial motors. In the field of energy conversion and more specifically in DC/AC application, new technologies and high power IGBT's have allowed the development of industrial inverter with high current switching capabilities. SECOM has created a series of IGBT power converters for these specific applications with particular attention to the development of converters in the 200kW-6MW range at 400 and 690Vac. The industrial inverter have been designed for two different voltage ranges: 400Vac and 690Vac three-phase, using IGBTs at 1200V and 1700V.
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