Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells


Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells Ltd (JMFC) is a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of fuel cell catalysts, membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) and other catalysed components such as catalyst coated membranes (CCMs) to fuel cell developers worldwide. JMFC is a partly owned subsidiary of Johnson Matthey plc, a speciality chemicals company and world leader in advanced materials technology with over 11,000 employees in over 30 countries. JMFC develops and supplies catalysts, electrodes, CCMs and MEAs for both low temperature PEMFC and direct methanol fuel cell applications and high temperature phosphoric acid based fuel cell systems.


JMFC has 125 dedicated employees, primarily in the UK, but also in the US and Japan. Over 50% of the staff are professional technical personnel with science and engineering qualifications, working in research, product and process development. Significant investments have been made in recent years in world-class fuel cell component research and MEA testing facilities at the parent corporate Technology Centre in Sonning Common, near Reading, and in the world's first dedicated electrode and MEA manufacturing facility in Swindon, Wiltshire. Of particular relevance are the multimillion euro investments over the last two years in advanced production scale coating and converting equipment fully contained in clean rooms with Class 1000 capability.

JMFC has considerable experience participating in and leading successful government supported collaborative R&D projects from Innovate UK and the EU Framework 6 (Autobrane and HyTRAN), Framework 7 (QuasiDry and MAESTRO) ) and current FCH-JU (CATAPULT, IMPACT, NOVEL and DEMCOPEM-2MW) programmes. JMFC has well-established administrative, financial and legal support groups to manage the contribution to these projects and ensure successful delivery of the contractual requirements

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