Anaerobic Digestion Biogas Equipment & Supplies
Manufactured by Qingdao JCWY Environmental Protection Technology Co., LTD.based in CHINA
The Domestic Anaerobic Biogas Digester System is designed to process organic waste through anaerobic digestion, providing an efficient solution for managing agricultural residues, manure, municipal waste, and other organic materials. This system generates biogas, primarily composed of methane and ...
PremiumManufactured by United Industries Group, Inc. (UIG)based in USA
UIG’s EVERSTORE glass-fused-to-steel tanks are the optimal solution for anaerobic digester applications. Whether mesophilic, thermophilic, pasteurizing or enzymic hydrolysis processes, EVERSTORE and EVERSTORE Hybrid tanks are the industry leader in anaerobic digestion and biogas production for renewable ...
Manufactured by Center Enamelbased in CHINA
Suitable for anaerobic digestion condition with biogas collection purpose. Integrated AD tank with the cover on top of tank, ...
based in CANADA
Commercial scale continuous anaerobic digestion. Co-substrates biogas yield testing. Significant biogas production. Biogas utilization ...
Manufactured by Anaergia Inc.based in CANADA
In many cases, a biogas utilization strategy begins with increasing biogas production. Without building new digesters, you can increase your plant’s biogas production up to 300% with Anaergia’s patented Omnivore anaerobic digestion technology. ...
Manufactured by Idro Groupbased in ITALY
Anaerobic digester for biogas and electrical energy production from organic fraction of municipal solid waste (O.F.M.S.W.). The Wastepower plant is based on wet anaerobic digestion of input materials, where organic substances are degraded by microorganisms in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic ...
Manufactured by DWS BVBAbased in BELGIUM
Biogas leaving the anaerobic digesters or biogas desulfurization units can be oversaturated with water vapor, which can reach up to 25% of the biogas volume. While passing the pipes and other equipment, the temperature of the biogas decreases, causing the change of physical state of the vapor ...
Manufactured by Idro Groupbased in ITALY
The input biomass (derived from farming and agriculture) is pumped into a pre-treatment area. The mixture then passes to a highconcentration, wet digestion process. The sub-products deriving from anaerobic digestion are biogas and digestate. Biogas is a gaseous mixture mainly composed of methane ...
Manufactured by Zero Waste Energy, LLC.based in USA
Zero Waste Energy offers a high solids system for facilities larger than 15,000 tons per year for almost any organic material utilizing Thoeni’s continuous High Solids Anaerobic Dry digestion technology for biogas ...
by Trevi nvbased in BELGIUM
Together with BiogasTec Trevi builds facilities for anaerobic digestion, also called biogas plants. A biogas plant is a plant which - as the name implies - produces biogas. This gas is a renewable energy source based on organic material. This organic material concerns manure, waste and energy crops. ...
Manufactured by Veolia Water Technologiesbased in FRANCE
Store and upgrade raw biogas to methane grid quality. Veolia provides solutions for biogas management with the TECON* Double Membrane Gasholder and the MemGas* gas upgrading system. TECON is used for any application that needs gas storage such as municipal wastewater treatment plants with anaerobic digestion, landfills with ...
Manufactured by Clarke Energybased in UNITED KINGDOM
The spent byproducts of distilleries have historically been treated as waste. However, the liquid and solid wastes of the distillation industry have greater potential and can be sent to anaerobic digesters and converted into biogas. This biogas in turn can be turned into renewable electricity at high efficiency via GE Jenbacher ...
Manufactured by Bulk Handling Systems (BHS)based in USA
Zero Waste Energy offers a high solids system for facilities larger than 15,000 tons per year for almost any organic material utilizing Thöni’s plug flow high solids anaerobic digestion technology for biogas production. Based on its 25 years of experience and specialist knowledge, Thöni’s plug flow digester ...
Manufactured by SiGa-Tech Sp. z o.obased in POLAND
Biogas dome is first technological element of biogas network. Domes are mounted at digester/anaerobic reactor roof. Biogas dome is equipped with two cut-off valves used to direct biogas flow to biogas network or to atmosphere through outlet chimney. ...
Manufactured by BioRefinex Canada Inc.based in CANADA
Once commissioned, the Lacombe Biorefinery will be producing biogas to provide enough fuel for a 1.4MW power generation unit. This renewable energy source, comprising mostly methane (natural gas), will be produced using large anaerobic digester vessels. The biogas is produced by micro-organisms breaking down organic matter in ...
based in PORTUGAL
The reactor is built in stainless steal, with retention time, which is considered a huge safety reserve for possible concentration and flow rate peaks. The SILOXANE REACTOR can have one or more chambers, depending on the biogas flow rate. It is vital to have an effective biogas pre-treatment regarding the removal of siloxanes to prevent the premature ...
by EcoGenR8 Ltdbased in UNITED KINGDOM
Our package FOG system will enable you to efficiently boost the biogas production from anaerobic ...
Manufactured by Ecomembrane Srlbased in ITALY
Two membrane constant-pressure gasholders are designed to store biogas made from anaerobic digestion of organic waste and sludge. They are manufactured with biogas resistant polyester reinforced PVC membranes seam welded by high frequency electronic machines. The 2MASTER system is made with a single upper membrane, pressurized ...
Manufactured by Ecomembrane Srlbased in ITALY
Three membrane constant-pressure gasholders are designed to store biogas made from the anaerobic digestion of organic waste and sludge. They are manufactured with biogas resistant polyester reinforced PVC membranes seam welded by high frequency electronic machines. The exclusive 3MASTER system is designed to form an upper air ...
Manufactured by AB Holding SpAbased in ITALY
The DeNOx SCR Reactor processes the NOx emissions from the ECOMAX® modules fueled with natural gas or biogas from anaerobic digestion, ensuring compliance with the emission limits into the ...
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