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Anaerobic Digestion System Equipment & Supplies

59 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Anaergia Inc.
    based in CANADA

    Optimize Your Anaerobic Digestion. Triple digestion capacity by retrofitting existing digesters. Triple Your Anaerobic Digestion Capacity Without New Digesters. Omnivore is our advanced high-solids approach to anaerobic digestion. Our proprietary ...

  • based in USA

    COCCUS is a complete mix anaerobic digester designed to run at the mesophillic temperature range. It is designed for input materials with low solids content (between 8 – 12%). The tank is a reinforced concrete design with 2 or 3 large REMEX paddle mixers. The drive motor of the mixer is mounted onto the outside wall of COCCUS so that only the polyamide ...

  • Manufactured by Impact Bioenergy
    based in USA

    The HORSE, 25 Series Bioenergy System (aka H-O-R-S-E) is designed to scale down the size and cost of anaerobic digestion (AD). This system provides on-site generation of energy from food waste and similar organic materials. This can reduce the environmental footprint of even a single cafeteria or restaurant by offsetting trucking ...

  • The Domestic Anaerobic Biogas Digester System is designed to process organic waste through anaerobic digestion, providing an efficient solution for managing agricultural residues, manure, municipal waste, and other organic materials. This system generates biogas, primarily composed of methane and ...

  • Premium
    based in USA

    Ireland, displaying high levels, of hydrogen sulfide at 270 ppm and low methane output. The trial was conducted with daily treatment of BGE1 and BGE2 on an 600,000-gallon anaerobic digestor with a combined feedstock of grass, chicken litter, and manure ...

  • Premium
    based in USA

    BGEm by ELI BioScience is a unique blend of methane forming bacteria called acetolactic methanogens as wall as hydrogen oxidizing methanogens. These microbes have been Isolated and stabilized in BGEm for their effectiveness to convert acetate and methyl to methane. Hydrogen oxidizing methanogens aid in producing hydrogen ions which react with available carbon dioxide to increase methane ...

  • Manufactured by Biofics Pvt. Ltd.
    based in INDIA

    Ltd. best Kitchen Waste Biogas Plant Manufacturers in Surat. Kitchen biogas plants, also known as small-scale biogas plants or household biogas plants, are compact anaerobic digestion systems designed for use in individual homes or small communities. These plants that we make are typically installed in kitchens or backyards and use organic waste ...

  • Manufactured by Quantalux, LLC
    based in USA

    Quantalux has a joint development agreement with BioWorks Energy in Flint Michigan to develop new technology solutions for anaerobic digester systems at wastewater treatment plants. (See ). The Flint Biogas Plant includes an anaerobic digester and combined heat and power (CHP) ...

  • Geomembrane Technologies provides innovative fabric covers that collect valuable biogas from anaerobic digestion systems. Custom-designed for tanks and lagoons of all sizes, Geomembrane Technologies' covers are gastight to contain odor and protect biogas from contamination. In waste-to-energy projects, the collected gas is used as a renewable ...

  • Manufactured by Duryea Technologies
    based in USA

    The MODE Power System by Duryea Technologies is a biogas generator specifically designed for small and mid-sized farms and waste-water treatment plants with anaerobic digesters. This system features a compact, durable, low-maintenance engine-generator set capable of tolerating hydrogen sulfide contamination. ...

  • based in USA

    Easily predict gas production rates and minimize your operating costs with our highly effective AD technology. This system is most suitable for industries with large volumes of food waste with the goal of capturing ...

  • Manufactured by Hydroflux Pty Ltd
    based in AUSTRALIA

    FlareWell® waste gas burners form part the anaerobic digestion process. FlareWell is designed to burn gas from the digestion process in excess of the gas necessary for the sludge heating system. The burner is automatic in operation and uses digester gas and/or LPG for pilot ...

  • Manufactured by Prei Group
    based in ITALY

    Biogas is one of the most used alternative sources for the production of renewable energy. It is the result of the degradation of various organic substances by bacteria during the "anaerobic digestion" process. This process takes place inside a fermenter in the absence of light and oxygen. The biogas development principle is based on the energy contained in the ...

  • Manufactured by Greenfield Global Inc.
    based in USA

    When organic waste is sent to landfill, it decomposes and releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Anaerobic digestion is a process that converts organic waste under controlled conditions into bio-methane, which can be purified to become renewable natural gas. Greenfield works closely with partners, suppliers, and municipalities to find ways to convert ...

  • Manufactured by DWS BVBA
    based in BELGIUM

    Biogas leaving the anaerobic digesters or biogas desulfurization units can be oversaturated with water vapor, which can reach up to 25% of the biogas volume. While passing the pipes and other equipment, the temperature of the biogas decreases, causing the change of physical state of the vapor to liquid. ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Saved emissions of odour, VOC (volatile organic compounds) and CO2 untreated residues produce significant emission digestion process is completely closed (gastight)!. Closed cycle of nutrients only carbohydrates are converted into energy, nutrients (N, P, K) are not degraded and remain in the digestate. Reliable income, fixed price for renewable energy ...

  • Our Biogas Plants / Digesters are exemplary for their innovative engineering and are available in various sizes ranging from 0.25 m3 to 15000 m3 capacity of single Biogas Digester. We are offering Bio Gas Plants in various models like Fixed dome, Floating Dome, Over Head Digesters depending on the site ...

  • based in USA

    Zero Waste Energy offers a high solids system for facilities larger than 15,000 tons per year for almost any organic material utilizing Thoeni’s continuous High Solids Anaerobic Dry digestion technology for biogas ...

  • Manufactured by Impact Bioenergy
    based in USA

    The gas manifold can be connected by the customer to beneficial uses like gas storage, electrical generation, hot water heating, space-heating, lighting, and cooking – all by others. This system is intended to provide our customers with approximately 10% of the digester construction with the balance of the machinery (90%) to be constructed locally by the ...

  • based in USA

    Zero Waste Energy offers a high solids system for facilities larger than 15,000 tons per year for almost any organic material utilizing Thöni’s plug flow high solids anaerobic digestion technology for biogas production. Based on its 25 years of experience and specialist knowledge, Thöni’s plug flow digester ...

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