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Biodiesel Fuel Equipment & Supplies

35 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Buyo India Pvt Ltd
    based in INDIA

    The chemical process of transesterification is employed in biodiesel production, transforming triglycerides into fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and separating the biodiesel from by-products like glycerin. This fuel has a high gross calorific value, specific gravity, and viscosity, catering to both transportation and industrial applications. ...

  • Manufactured by REVO International Inc
    based in JAPAN

    [What is 'C-FUEL'? ] The 'C-FUEL' means our biodiesel fuel which is recycled from used vegetable oil, and which can be used as the fuel for diesel engine instead of petroleum diesel oil without any modification of the engine. [Kyoto City's Biodiesel Project] Approximately 300 city ...

  • Manufactured by Trucent
    based in USA

    CentraSep can offer you savings in labor expenses, filter media purchasing costs, inventory and disposal fees, and water / fluid replacement. Biodiesel and diesel fuel filtering and separating is a process that our systems excel ...

  • based in USA

    n. — a fuel comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, meeting ASTM D 6751, designated F100, UltraBurn Blend, n. — a blend of biodiesel fuel with petroleum-based diesel fuel designated FXX, where XX is the volume percent of ...

  • Manufactured by CT Systems
    based in UKRAINE

    Pulsar-CT Third-Generation Magnetic Impulse Reactors (Biodiesel Processor). PULSAR-CT is a third-generation hydrodynamic high-frequency magnetic impulse cavitation reactor - state-of-art technology in biodiesel fuel production. A very high level of reliability, modern design, process automation, stable results with any oil types, minimum power ...

  • based in USA

    As the demand for bio fuels continues to grow, International Tank Service is ready to design, fabricate and build a custom API 650 storage tank for all your biodiesel and ethanol storage needs. We have crews readily available to construct your API 650 ethanol tank or API 650 biodiesel tank. ...

  • Manufactured by Xerxes Corporation
    based in USA

    Xerxes fiberglass fuel storage tanks are a rust-proof, cost-effective alternative to steel tanks. Ask your Xerxes sales representative about the distinct advantages that Xerxes offers over steel tanks in this age of ethanol fuels and biodiesel fuel ...

  • based in USA

    Quality Shield is an integrated tuning fork sensor that will directly and simultaneously measure the viscosity, density, dielectric constant, temperature of fuels. Relying on patented tuning fork technology, the sensor monitors the direct and dynamic relationship between multiple physical properties to determine the quality, condition and contaminant loading of ...

  • Manufactured by CT Systems
    based in UKRAINE

    This wide range of oils (sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, palm oil, mustard oil etc.) can be used for biodiesel fuel production with almost any acid number and it is also possible to use waste from livestock and poultry processing plants. The equipment does not need to be adjusted when the type of oil is ...

  • Manufactured by CT Systems
    based in UKRAINE

    This wide range of oils (sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, palm oil, mustard oil etc.) can be used for biodiesel fuel production with almost any acid number and it is also possible to use waste from livestock and poultry processing plants. The equipment does not need to be adjusted when the type of oil is ...

  • Manufactured by ASB Biodiesel
    based in HONG KONG

    Biodiesel is a renewable fuel produced by vegetable oil, animal fat or waste cooking oil through different simple reactions. The most traditional production method is transforming oil by esterification with methanol and catalyst. The new generation of green, low-carbon emission biodiesel can be used as a substitute for fossil diesel or mixed ...

  • Manufactured by CT Systems
    based in UKRAINE

    This wide range of oils (sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, palm oil, mustard oil etc.) can be used for biodiesel fuel production with almost any acid number and it is also possible to use waste from livestock and poultry processing plants. The equipment does not need to be adjusted when the type of oil is ...

  • Manufactured by Viterra Magdeburg GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Biodiesel is a renewable fuel with product properties that are comparable to those of mineral diesel fuel, but which is derived from vegetable oils. Biodiesel can be used as fuel in diesel vehicles or as an environmentally friendly fuel in combined heat and power plants (CHP). ...

  • Manufactured by Envantage Inc.
    based in USA

    Envantage Biodiesel/FAME in Diesel Analyzer is a rugged, small footprint (2 foot by 2 foot) analyzer that utilizes mid-infrared spectroscopy to determine content of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) biodiesel in diesel fuel per ASTM D7371. Calibration models have been developed, validated, and tested, and are built into the dedicated QA/QC PC-based ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Additives for all diesel qualities: Every diesel engine needs care. It makes no difference whether it is operated with conventional diesel fuel or biodiesel. Long standstill times or fluctuating fuel qualities can have a strong impact on the performance of diesel engines, and carbonisation on the injection nozzles can increase ...

  • based in USA

    ADM biodiesel provides engine lubricity improvements while reducing dependency of regular fossil fuel. Our biodiesel is produced through a patented process known as transesterification, in which vegetable oils are heated with alcohol in the presence of a catalyst to yield mono-alkyl esters (biodiesel) and glycerin. ...

  • Manufactured by Nationwide Tanks, Inc.
    based in USA

    Nationwide’s fiberglass fuel tanks are the most corrosion-resistant tanks in the market today, meeting the most stringent requirements of the UL 1316 Third Edition. This provides our customers confidence for longstanding hassle-free service. Our corrosion-resistant fiberglass tanks are compatible with all ethanol-blended fuels, biodiesel, ...

  • based in INDIA

    Biodiesel, or fatty acid methyl ester, is a renewable chemical and fuel commonly produced from vegetable oil or animal fat. This non-petroleum based product can be used as diesel fuel, textile lubricant and industrial heating oil fuel. Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly and bio-degradable. ...

  • Manufactured by Nationwide Tanks, Inc.
    based in USA

    Nationwide’s fiberglass fuel tanks are the most corrosion-resistant tanks in the market today, meeting the most stringent requirements of the UL 1316 Third Edition. This provides our customers confidence for longstanding hassle-free service. Our corrosion-resistant fiberglass tanks are compatible with all ethanol-blended fuels, biodiesel, ...

  • based in USA

    Just like you, home heating oil systems perform better and last longer when they’re cared for properly. Thankfully, there’s an easy and economical way to do it. HeatDoc™ is a field proven proprietary fuel conditioner that constantly cares for your heating oil system by ensuring both the equipment and fuel that it depends upon is functioning at ...

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