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Biogas CHP System Equipment & Supplies

3 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Suomen Biovoima Oy
    based in FINLAND

    Combined heat and power generation from raw biogas or natural gas. CHP unit produces local energy from biogas. To both existing and new biogas plants, it is possible to install a CHP unit producing local energy from biogas. CHP stands for combined heat and power. Small and ...

  • based in GERMANY

    ETW biogas CHP stations are designed, built and produced on the basis of many years of experience in the areas of landfill and mine gas utilisation and followed up by support offered by experienced service ...

  • based in FINLAND

    We select the rigth process type based on biogas production trials and our 20 years of exprience. If biomass is new for us, then biogas production trials need to be done before binding ...

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