Biogas Digestate Equipment & Supplies
Manufactured by Suomen Biovoima Oybased in FINLAND
Separators – digestate separation into solid and liquid fractions. The end product of the biogas plant, the digestate, is often separated into solid and liquid fractions, which improves its possible further processing and usability as a fertilizer. Nitrogen and potassium, one of the most important nutrients in the digested ...
Manufactured by Inclusive Energy Ltdbased in INDIA
Smart Biogas is a real-time monitoring system for biogas digesters. Providing greater transparency and performance for the biogas sector through intelligent and interactive monitoring, sensing and communications. Smart Biogas enables performance insights, asset management, pay as you go, and more accurate Carbon ...
Manufactured by Qingdao JCWY Environmental Protection Technology Co., LTD.based in CHINA
The Domestic Anaerobic Biogas Digester System is designed to process organic waste through anaerobic digestion, providing an efficient solution for managing agricultural residues, manure, municipal waste, and other organic materials. This system generates biogas, primarily composed of methane and carbon dioxide, which is a ...
based in USA
Biogas from digesters (waste water treatment plants and other digesters) typically have a methane (CH4) content of about 50-60% with the remaining gas being mostly carbon dioxide (CO2) and saturated moisture. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOC) and siloxanes generally amount to less than 0.5% of the ...
Manufactured by Taset Inc.based in SOUTH KOREA
Configuration technology of method. Chopper Pump: chops and homogenize solids in the digester using a chopper pump. Two-phase jet nozzle: Full mixing of the digester by strong injection using the two-phase jet ...
based in MALAYSIA
Constant Current Thermal Mass Dispersion Technology Flow Meter, Single insertion point ( 1/2 or 3/4 NPT connection), Temperature and Pressure compensation built in, Low Flow Sensitivity (0.08m/s), Wide Turn Down Ratio (100:1), Robust (good for wet & dirty processes), lowest installation cost in the market. ...
Manufactured by Hydrotech a.sbased in SLOVAKIA
The by-product of anaerobic treatment is a high-energy biogas which can be combusted in its own boiler room or possibly fed to the central boiler in the ...
Manufactured by Kanadevia Inova Schmack Biogas Srlbased in ITALY
Biogas plants for the anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste for the generation of electricity (from 300 kW) and the production of ...
Manufactured by Kanadevia Inova Schmack Biogas Srlbased in ITALY
Biogas plants for the anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste for the generation of electricity (from 300 kW) and the production of ...
Manufactured by AAT Abwasser- und Abfalltechnik GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
The AAT heat exchanger is used to heat the digester sludge in the digester. For perfect fermenterind conditions,a constant sludge temperature is required in the digester. In order to achieve this, the digester sludge is circulated in a pipe heat exchanger and is heated to the requested temperature through hot water in a ...
Manufactured by Shand & Jurs (L&J Technologies & L&J Engineering)based in USA
The removal of condensate from the biogas is necessary to keep the gas train running by protecting the downstream equipment and piping from corrosion, blockage and water accumulation. The Shand & Jurs Biogas 97125 is especially designed for hydrogen sulfide and hot/wet methane, which are the main components of digester gas streams in ...
Manufactured by Shand & Jurs (L&J Technologies & L&J Engineering)based in USA
The Shand & Jurs Biogas Model 97180 Foam Separator is designed for use in piping systems to remove foam caused by agitation from the digester discharge gas. The foam must be dispersed and collected in order to protect downstream equipment from corrosion or clogging. ...
Manufactured by Mingshuo Environment Technology Group Co., Ltd.based in CHINA
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a well-established process for renewable energy production in which biomass is broken down and converted to biogas (a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide and traces of other gases) by micro-organisms. The environment inside a biodigester is complex, depending on the composition of the feedstock and operating conditions, and some of the ...
PremiumManufactured by Ennox Biogas Technology GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
Digesters and biogas reactors are normally designed and built to cover relatively low system pressures due to cost implications. In order to carry out effective cleaning of the system, operation of a consumer or transfer of the biogas, it is necessary to increase the operating pressure in the pipework. ...
PremiumManufactured by United Industries Group, Inc. (UIG)based in USA
UIG’s EVERSTORE glass-fused-to-steel tanks are the optimal solution for anaerobic digester applications. Whether mesophilic, thermophilic, pasteurizing or enzymic hydrolysis processes, EVERSTORE and EVERSTORE Hybrid tanks are the industry leader in anaerobic digestion and biogas production for renewable energy ...
PremiumManufactured by Ennox Biogas Technology GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
The gravel filter enables the coarse filtration of the biogas by passing through a gravel layer. Foreign particles, foam and condensate are removed and channelled to a drainage point. The filter can be easily accessed through a screwed cover for cleaning. Contamination can be easily removed without the need for opening the cover by rinsing with water. ...
PremiumManufactured by Ecological Laboratories, Inc.based in USA
Several trials have been conducted to showcase the diversity of the technologies capability to adjust to different feedstocks. An anerobic digestor operator in N. Ireland, displaying high levels, of hydrogen sulfide at 270 ppm and low methane output. The trial was conducted with daily treatment of BGE1 and BGE2 on an 600,000-gallon anaerobic digestor with a combined feedstock of grass, chicken ...
PremiumManufactured by Ennox Biogas Technology GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
Manholes in digesters, Biogas reactors or other concrete containers serve to allow unrestricted and safe access as also an entry point for materials and other components. They also serve as an inspection point which can be quickly opened and closed. Manholes can be tted with sensor openings or other additional xtures for measurement ...
PremiumManufactured by Ecological Laboratories, Inc.based in USA
BGEm by ELI BioScience is a unique blend of methane forming bacteria called acetolactic methanogens as wall as hydrogen oxidizing methanogens. These microbes have been Isolated and stabilized in BGEm for their effectiveness to convert acetate and methyl to methane. Hydrogen oxidizing methanogens aid in producing hydrogen ions which react with available carbon dioxide to increase methane ...
Manufactured by Biogas Products Ltdbased in
Reheat biogas: Digester produced biogas is 100% water saturated. The naturally cooling biogas, moving from the digester to the engine, will release large amounts of water into the gas pipework system, which has the potential to block pipework and damage mechanical ...
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