Biogas Plant Equipment & Supplies In Liberia

226 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Realistic Agri
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    OLIGAS products are supplied in biodegradable containers, with a strict maintenance and supplementation schedule based on plant requirements. Their uniquely customized approach ensures that each biogas plant operates at its maximum potential without the operator ever needing to handle the product directly, thus promoting safety and ...

  • Our Biogas Plants / Digesters are exemplary for their innovative engineering and are available in various sizes ranging from 0.25 m3 to 15000 m3 capacity of single Biogas Digester. We are offering Bio Gas Plants in various models like Fixed dome, Floating Dome, Over Head Digesters depending on the site ...

  • Manufactured by AtmosPower
    based in INDIA

    Considering its large number of installations, AtmosPower is well equipped to assist any aspiring company or entrepreneur with all the requirements for successfully setting up a Compressed Biogas Plant in India. Furthermore, AtmosPower can also help its clients obtain offtake agreements for selling the compressed Biogas to India’s Oil ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Monitoring of air inflated membrane systems at Biogas Plants: Cost efficient solution for membrane systems with dynamic pressure at the blow-off end. Early recognizing of leakages, in order to avoid cost due to gas loss and danger for staff, plant and ...

  • Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a well-established process for renewable energy production in which biomass is broken down and converted to biogas (a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide and traces of other gases) by micro-organisms. The environment inside a biodigester is complex, depending on the composition of the feedstock and operating conditions, and some of the by-products are ...

  • Manufactured by ARCHEA New Energy GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    In a combined heat and power plant (CHP), the generated heat and electricity can be used. Thereby a higher overall efficiency of the power generation plant is achieved. A distinction is made between current and heat-controlled CHP plants. Depending on the major need, the energy generation is balanced towards one or the other form of energy. ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    1.4 TWh of biogas is produced annually in Sweden at approximately 230facilities. The 135 wastewater treatment plants that produce biogascontribute with around half of the production. In order to reduce the sludgevolume, biogas has been produced at wastewater treatment plants fordecades. ...

  • Manufactured by BTS Biogas
    based in ITALY

    Our technicians and experts have developed the most advanced system of biogas power plants, integrating different technology that allow you to achieve the absolute maximum efficiency. In the past, attention was focused mainly on electricity production. Instead, BTS Biogas has always considered it fundamental to optimise the entire ...

  • Manufactured by AB Holding SpA
    based in ITALY

    The ECOMAX® Biogas line offers the agricultural and multi-utility world plants for the energy valorization of biogas, which combine high performance and reliability to give companies a competitive ...

  • Manufactured by Eneraque Pty Ltd
    based in AUSTRALIA

    Eneraque’s proven membrane technology achieves more than 97% operational availability. The Biogas Upgrading System is easily integrated with a biogas plant, providing a refined, efficient method of gas cleaning, a robust design, an advanced patented control system and the assurance of 24/7 service support. Eneraque’s advanced design ...

  • Manufactured by AtmosPower
    based in INDIA

    Biogas upgradation has been picking up all over the world based on the advancements in upgradation technology and the requirement for cleaner fuel. Even though there is widespread awareness regarding the benefits of upgraded biogas and landfill gas, there is still not a mass scale dispersion of this ...

  • based in CHINA

    The expertise of Peaks-eco focuses on the technological development of the processing of biomass streams and the supply of systems for renewable energy from biomass. Peaks-eco supplies anaerobic digesters for agriculture and industry, biogas upgrading systems, biomass and waste-fired boilers, combined heat and power plants and fluidized-bed ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Clarke Energy is an authorised distributor and service provider for Techno Project Industriale’s (TPI’s) biogas upgrading plants. These include both membrane and selective solvent-based washing systems. With Clarke Energy’s engineering, procurement, construction and aftersales support capabilities we are able to offer full ...

  • Manufactured by Idro Group
    based in ITALY

    Anaerobic digester for biogas and electrical energy production from organic fraction of municipal solid waste (O.F.M.S.W.). The Wastepower plant is based on wet anaerobic digestion of input materials, where organic substances are degraded by microorganisms in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic condition) at a temperature of approx. 35°-37°C (mesophil ...

  • based in INDIA

    The Hot Rolling Mill at Saraikela provides SSWL with a backward integration for specially engineering sections of heavy commercial vehicles ...

  • Manufactured by Envipure
    based in SINGAPORE

    ENVIPURE biogas plants are coupled with our technological solutions to clean palm-oil mill effluent (POME). Utilizing our proprietary SUMBER™ UASB-technology to decompose POME, high-grade biogas is produced which in-turn feed and fuel high-efficiency gas-engine to generate electricity for internal use and export to the grid. ...

  • Manufactured by Ammongas A/S
    based in DENMARK

    Ammongas uses the well-known absorber-stripper system with amine for upgrading of biogas. The process has been used for many years in the oil and gas industry for removal of CO2, H2S other acidic gasses, and is known for being a robust and reliable system. Ammongas’ absorption process is so efficient that the methane slip to the atmosphere is less than 0.05%. ...

  • Manufactured by Greenlane Renewables
    based in CANADA

    Greenlane's Biogas Upgrading Plants are Marketed and Sold Under the Greenlane Biogas Brand. Converting biogas to high purity biomethane isn’t quite as simple as one solution fits all. Every biogas upgrading project requires its own unique solution, depending on the feedstock of the raw ...

  • Manufactured by AtmosPower
    based in INDIA

    The term upgradation basically encompasses of a process which can be broken down into three main functions, namely Biogas cleaning, Biogas drying and Biogas Upgrading. In Biogas Cleaning the primary impurity is usually Hydrogen Sulfide, which is why whenever the word biogas cleaning is mentioned it usually ...

  • based in INDIA

    For the production of high-value Biomethane or BioCNG and clean gas vehicle fuel. Jog Waste To Energy Pvt ltd manufacturer’s biogas upgrading system, biogas purifier, biogas purification plant and biogas upgrading equipment. It runs the production from raw biogas produced from, multiple ...

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