Biogas Plant Equipment & Supplies In Montenegro

275 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Aurelia Turbines Oy
    based in FINLAND

    Natural gas is a well-known fuel. Biogas can be regarded as “a renewable, but lean natural gas” – but where does it come from, what kind of role it can play in power generation? And what does it mean, when it is being said that “biogas does not have a ...

  • Manufactured by Aikan A/S
    based in DENMARK

    An Aikan plant handles solid waste and wastewater or slurry from livestock. Our solutions include both pre-treatment of the waste and handling of the end-user products. ...

  • based in GERMANY

    INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF YOUR BIOGAS PLANT. No other mechanical form of energy is as efficient in working on the cell structure of the biomass. Regardless of whether more biogas is to be generated or whether feed substrate is to be saved while performance remains constant – with the turnkey and almost maintenance-free ultrasonic ...

  • Manufactured by Biofics Pvt. Ltd.
    based in INDIA

    Transform your waste into wealth with Biofics Pvt. Ltd. Biogas Plant Manufacturers in Surat. Our organic waste biogas plant is a facility that uses organic waste to produce biogas, a renewable energy source. The input capacity is- 50 kg - 2 tons per day. Talking about Biogas is produced through a ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    Mechanical sorting Anaerobic treatment of the biofraction ...

  • Manufactured by Seko Industries Srl
    based in ITALY

    Power (kWel): 999. Cogenerator electrical efficiency %: 40,6. Cogenerator overall efficiency %: 83.18. Electrical energy produced (kWh/year): 8191800. Thermal energy available (kWel): 1049(including fume ...

  • Manufactured by Biogas Hochreiter GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    pioneer Johann Hochreiter has much experience in the operation of biogas plants. This experience will be the benefit of our customers regarding planning and construction. As an operator and owner of own biogas plants, Hans Hochreiters own interest is, to achieve the best possible efficiency of a biogas ...

  • based in ITALY

    The main feature of these plants is their quick, simple and economic ...

  • Manufactured by Snam SPA
    based in ITALY

    The 300 to 1,000 kW plants are suitable for medium to large agricultural and agro-livestock farms, or that take advantage of sewage, waste, and agricultural by-products from other farms as ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Anaerobic Digestion (AD) is a complex biochemical process involving a variety of microorganisms to produce biogas. The process is by no means homogeneous. AD involves several distinct steps performed by unique microorganisms which need specific individual conditions for optimum biogas production. To facilitate this suggests a multi-stage process for the best ...

  • Manufactured by LIPP GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    LIPP KomBio-Reactor for industry and local authorities: The innovative and outstandingly economical solution for energy production at biogas plants and stabilisation of sewage sludge has been in use in many countries for over twenty years. Quick realisation, low investment costs, high operating safety and long service life are all characteristics that speak for ...

  • Manufactured by Sonotronic Nagel GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Industrial and local authority biogas plants use the renowned SONOTRONIC ultrasonic systems to increase the amount of energy recovered from biogas in an environmentally friendly way. The integration of a High-Output Ultrasonic Reactor into existing biogas production systems, increases their performance and profitability. ...

  • based in ITALY

    The small plant FARMER is especially designed for the use of manure from agriculture. The plant size is matched to the average quantities produced.For this purpose, the technology in the large plants is as much as possible simplified and transferred to small variants. ...

  • Manufactured by EnviTec Biogas AG
    based in GERMANY

    Whether as a source of electricity to generate heat locally, to supply heat by pipeline or to feed into the gas network after processing - Biogas is multi-talented and versatile. The weather-independent generation is a predictable source of revenue for the operator, since energy from biogas is not subject to any price fluctuations. At the same time, a ...

  • During the history of mankind, human’s relationship with the environment has always been following his behavior with his natural surroundings. Advances in technology and its non-compliance with the environment, changes in human civilizations in different eras, and ignoring the right relations between human needs and the environment has faced the lives of all beings on earth with more ...

  • based in CHINA

    Biogas technology provides a solution to efficiently convert organic waste into energy, valuable biofuels and high-quality fertilizers. Biogas is similar in nature to natural gas, and can also be used for energy production, such as power generation and thermal energy production, as well as motor vehicle fuel and industrial gas. ...

  • based in FINLAND

    We select the rigth process type based on biogas production trials and our 20 years of exprience. If biomass is new for us, then biogas production trials need to be done before binding ...

  • based in SWITZERLAND

    Most of our reference plants are NaWaRo biogas plants. NaWaRos are energy crops from corn and grass silage and cereals. Due to the German new energy law that subsidies the farmers for this type of plant thousands of the them have been ...

  • Manufactured by Snam SPA
    based in ITALY

    They of course involve a more detailed logistics complexity that only a specialized partner such as IES BIOGAS is able to implement, from the preliminary consultations all the way to the start-up. IES BIOGAS has already contracted commissions for plants of these dimensions, offering an integral support for the complex requirements they are ...

  • Manufactured by Hugros Inc.
    based in INDIA

    We provide state of the art biomethantion or biogas plants which are prefabricated and ready to install at site. They are highly efficient compared with the normal biogas plants. The biogas output can be used for cooking, converted into electricity, or can be compressed and ...

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