Biogas Plant Equipment & Supplies Near Africa
Manufactured by AB Holding SpAbased in ITALY
The ECOMAX® Biogas line offers the agricultural and multi-utility world plants for the energy valorization of biogas, which combine high performance and reliability to give companies a competitive ...
Manufactured by AB Holding SpAbased in ITALY
BIOCH4NGE is the AB solution for upgrading biogas-to-biomethane through a membrane system: flexibility, scalability and low energy consumption for a real competitive ...
Manufactured by TS energy Group Srl/GmbHbased in ITALY
The main feature of these plants is their quick, simple and economic ...
Manufactured by TS energy Group Srl/GmbHbased in ITALY
The small plant FARMER is especially designed for the use of manure from agriculture. The plant size is matched to the average quantities produced.For this purpose, the technology in the large plants is as much as possible simplified and transferred to small variants. ...
Manufactured by APT Srlbased in ITALY
Biogas typically refers to a mixture of different gases: methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S). In the biogas plants it is strictly important to analyse the status of these parameters, both to check control quality production and safety issue. ...
Manufactured by Pyro Green-Gas (formerly known as AirScience Technologies Inc.)based in CANADA
Converting biogas to transportation fuel as compressed natural gas (CNG) is happening today. It is generating far more revenue per cubic meter of biogas than steam or electricity generation. It is the ultimate in the valorization of ...
Manufactured by Perfect Bio-Waste & Power Management Pvt. Ltdbased in INDIA
Our Biogas Plants / Digesters are exemplary for their innovative engineering and are available in various sizes ranging from 0.25 m3 to 15000 m3 capacity of single Biogas Digester. We are offering Bio Gas Plants in various models like Fixed dome, Floating Dome, Over Head Digesters depending on the site ...
Manufactured by Perfect Bio-Waste & Power Management Pvt. Ltdbased in INDIA
As the demand for sustainable and clean energy rises, the need for reliable and efficient sources of renewable fuel is paramount. These sources include biofuels such as compressed biogas (CBG), which has become increasingly popular as a green alternative to fossil fuels, especially in the transportation sector. However, for CBG to be ...
Manufactured by Perfect Bio-Waste & Power Management Pvt. Ltdbased in INDIA
Perfect Bio-Waste & Power Management Pvt Ltd specializes in the manufacturing and implementation of large-scale commercial biogas plants. These plants are engineered to process significant amounts of organic waste deriving from diverse sources such as press mud, cow dung, poultry waste, agricultural residues, and municipal solid waste. The ...
Manufactured by Perfect Bio-Waste & Power Management Pvt. Ltdbased in INDIA
GENSET CAPACITY BIOGAS CONSUMPTION ; 3 KVA 1.6 m3 / hour. 5 KVA 3 m3 / hour. 10 KVA 5 m3 / hour. 15 KVA 8 m3 / hour. 20 KVA 10 m3 / hour. 30 KVA 14 m3 / hour. 40 KVA 20 m3 / hour. 50 KVA 25 m3 / hour. 62.5 KVA 30 m3 / hour. 82.5 KVA 40 m3 / hour. 100 KVA 50 m3 / hour. 125 KVA 60 m3 / ...
Manufactured by Koshish Sustainable Solutions Pvt. Ltd.based in INDIA
The Versatile Yet Advanced Profit, Avail & Revenue (VYAPAR) generating model provides commercially viable BioCBG. VYAPAR Model is a commercial model with a payback of 4-5 years and an ROI of up to 16%. ...
Manufactured by Koshish Sustainable Solutions Pvt. Ltd.based in INDIA
Support And Maintenance Activity Related To Handholding And Novel (SAMARTHAN) treatment of existing plants provides operation and maintenance support to existing Bio-CBG/ Biogas Power/ Biogas Thermal plants which are not running efficiently and bearing commercial losses. ...
Manufactured by 21st Century Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd.based in INDIA
The Hot Rolling Mill at Saraikela provides SSWL with a backward integration for specially engineering sections of heavy commercial vehicles ...
Manufactured by Biogas Engineering Srlbased in ITALY
The pressostatic gasometer is the result of the experience and expertise of Biogas Engineering, which always offers innovative solutions. The pressostatic gasometer has a cylindrical shape and, in the biogas / bioethane plant it is the connecting element between the digester and the generator. The constant pressure, which you want to create and ...
Manufactured by Biogas Engineering Srlbased in ITALY
In biogas plants, the gas generated during anaerobic fermentation is stored inside variable volume membranes which have the function of storing the biogas itself in order to stabilize the flow to the cogenerator in the event of a change in production. ...
Manufactured by Biogas Engineering Srlbased in ITALY
The production of electrical and thermal energy from biomass has over the years, to all intents and purposes, become an agricultural activity. Thanks to incentives, a biogas plant can be a further source of income for farmers by increasing the multifunctionality of an agricultural business, allowing them to make profit and invest in the ecological modernisation ...
Manufactured by Biogas Engineering Srlbased in ITALY
The organic fraction of urban solid waste, slaughterhouse waste, expired food and everything related to nutrition (milk, fish, sweets, etc.), are extremely effective organic matrices for anaerobic digestion. Mainly these categories of waste were treated in composting plants, today the optimal solution to arrive at a circular economy model is the construction of a ...
Manufactured by Thermokey S.P.A.based in ITALY
FEATURES: PowerGen Radiators would be the ideal solution for power plant owners and contractors. It is designed to meet the specific needs of the electricity production market, which requires particularly rigorous quality standards. Some of the possible applications for this system: large electricity production plants, small electricity generators for limited ...
Manufactured by Arundo BioEnergybased in HUNGARY
Higher biogas yield for half the price. ...
Manufactured by Agrinz Technologies GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
Small scale biogas plants from Agrinz are highlighted by their robust technology, independence and self-reliance, minimal investment costs and high efficiency. Standardized modules enable short construction times, flexible set up and simple operation ...
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