Biogas Plant Equipment & Supplies Near Europe

317 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Airrane
    based in SOUTH KOREA

    Biogas, which has recently been attracting attention as a next-generation eco-friendly fuel, is a clean renewable energy source and is recognized as a resource that can replace natural gas in power generation and vehicle fuels. Biogas is generated from food waste, manure, sewage treatment facilities, and landfills. ...

  • based in USA

    High gas flows and difficult access to digesters may cause a need for a deviation from the standard design of biogas flares, which are used to dispose of waste streams coming from landfills, biogas, biomass and wastewater facilities. Enclosed flares are designed to maintain a high destruction ratio within the vertical combustion chamber and a stable combustion ...

  • Manufactured by TDA Research, Inc.
    based in USA

    SulfaTrap LLC is one of the largest U.S. suppliers of sulfur removal sorbents and purification products widely used in the fuel cell systems, distributed hydrogen generators, chemical plants, biogas installations and gas processing applications. Sulfa Trap™ sells sorbents that remove all types of sulfur contaminants and builds complete sulfur removal ...

  • based in CHINA

    Biogas technology provides a solution to efficiently convert organic waste into energy, valuable biofuels and high-quality fertilizers. Biogas is similar in nature to natural gas, and can also be used for energy production, such as power generation and thermal energy production, as well as motor vehicle fuel and industrial gas. ...

  • based in THAILAND

    As an alternative to Compost Plant, the Biogas plant is suitable for receiving Food and Market wastes that could be used for producing Methane gas for electricity. Due to the nature of collection of these wastes, especially in Asian cultures like in Thailand, sand stones as well as plastics are also presented in the wastes in sizable ...

  • based in USA

    For the safeguarding of thermostatically protected, closed-circuit water heating, cooling, and solar systems with supply temperatures of up to 120°C, for all static heights according to TRD 721, DIN 4751 and DIN EN 12828. ...

  • Manufactured by Ohara Corporation
    based in JAPAN

    We have a lineup of compact, high-efficiency biogas generators developed based on the engine technology of our snow vehicles. This equipment generates power using biogas as fuel which is produced from food industry waste, household kitchen garbage or animal manure. It is also applicable to digestion gas generated from local sewage plants. ...

  • based in CHINA

    PUXIN Portable Assembly Biogas System-15m3 is a Do It Yourself (DIY) Kit BIOGAS SYSTEM It is surface mounted, there is no need for digging or heavy construction. It can be assembled within 90 minutes by the client itself without any training. High efficient biogas system with hollow sunlight sheet green house and pad for insulation and heating. ...

  • based in USA

    Plus, we can provide you with additional production options to further enhance your PSA implementations and accelerate your investment capital payback. Our experts will design, build & deliver the right H2 PSA plant configuration in a system that’s been correctly optimized for processing your feedgases in order to produce H2 at the right conditions you require. ...

  • Manufactured by Fisher Energy
    based in USA

    Fisher Energy Specialty Landfill / Biogas Separation systems are very specifically designed for the challenges of these renewable energy sources. Fisher Energy has developed its separation technologies for these applications through years of proven performance in landfills and biogas facilities around the world. ...

  • based in USA

    Biogas Digesters make biogas and fertilizer, but they also make Hydrogen Sulfide or H2S which is toxic, corrosive and flammable. Every year people die from H2S poisoning that comes from biogas cooking. The odor of H2S smells like rotten eggs and is heavier than air so it lingers in low and enclosed areas. ...

  • Manufactured by Envipure
    based in SINGAPORE

    ENVIPURE biogas plants are coupled with our technological solutions to clean palm-oil mill effluent (POME). Utilizing our proprietary SUMBER™ UASB-technology to decompose POME, high-grade biogas is produced which in-turn feed and fuel high-efficiency gas-engine to generate electricity for internal use and export to the grid. ...

  • based in INDONESIA

    The removal of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) from biogas and sewage gas by desulphurisation systems serves to protect the environment and improve the operational safety of biogas fuels. It is equally important to avoid corrosion in parts of the biogas plant. Selected types of activated carbon can remove hydrogen ...

  • Manufactured by Inoplex
    based in AUSTRALIA

    INOPLEX offers a Biogas Packaged Treatment Plant designed to address the energy needs of primary producers as well as food and beverage manufacturers. The company leverages decades of practical and technological experience to develop biogas systems tailored to precise business requirements. ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    The Agenitor is a highly efficient power plant with optimsed gas engine and lower fuel costs. This engine is a result of intensive work by the 2G development team at 2G Drive GmbH. It's improved combustion chamber geometry has made it possible to increase the efficiency of the Agenitor range. ...

  • Manufactured by Eneraque Pty Ltd
    based in AUSTRALIA

    Eneraque’s proven membrane technology achieves more than 97% operational availability. The Biogas Upgrading System is easily integrated with a biogas plant, providing a refined, efficient method of gas cleaning, a robust design, an advanced patented control system and the assurance of 24/7 service support. Eneraque’s advanced design ...

  • Manufactured by Eneraque Pty Ltd
    based in AUSTRALIA

    Biogas flares are used to convert waste gases such as those produced from sewerage sludge treatment or from the fermentation processing of biomass (a renewable resource) in biogas plants. This technology turns these high potential energy gases into complete combustion for cleaner emissions. ...

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