Biogas Plant Equipment & Supplies Near Hungary
Manufactured by Arundo BioEnergybased in HUNGARY
Higher biogas yield for half the price. ...
Manufactured by Seko Industries Srlbased in ITALY
Power (kWel): 999. Cogenerator electrical efficiency %: 40,6. Cogenerator overall efficiency %: 83.18. Electrical energy produced (kWh/year): 8191800. Thermal energy available (kWel): 1049(including fume ...
Manufactured by Seko Industries Srlbased in ITALY
Power (kWel): 844. Cogenerator electrical efficiency %: 41.9. Cogenerator overall efficiency %: 83.78. Electrical energy produced (kWh/year): 6920800. Thermal energy available (kWel): 845(including fume ...
Manufactured by Seko Industries Srlbased in ITALY
Power (kWel) 249. Cogenerator electrical efficiency % 39.1. Cogenerator overall efficiency % 80.38. Electrical energy produced (kWh/year) 2041800. Thermal energy available (kWel) 263 (including fume ...
Manufactured by Seko Industries Srlbased in ITALY
Power (kWel): 526. Cogenerator electrical efficiency %: 40.4. Cogenerator overall efficiency %: 83.10. Electrical energy produced (kWh/year): 4313200. Thermal energy available (kWel): 556(including fume ...
Manufactured by Seko Industries Srlbased in ITALY
Power (kWel): 635. Cogenerator electrical efficiency %: 40. Cogenerator overall efficiency %: 82.82. Electrical energy produced (kWh/year): 5207000. Thermal energy available (kWel): 681(including fume ...
Manufactured by Seko Industries Srlbased in ITALY
Power (kWel): 999. Cogenerator electrical efficiency %: 40,6. Cogenerator overall efficiency %: 83.18. Electrical energy produced (kWh/year): 8191800. Thermal energy available (kWel): 1049(including fume ...
Manufactured by Tecon – textile constructions GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
This type of Top-Mounted Biogas Storage has an integrated platform, which offers an easy way to get access to the different systems built into the tank. These can be agitators, access shafts, sensors, and safety devices. This platform system leads to shorter service hours thus reducing unproductive downtime at the biogas ...
Distributed by ReVivo Gas, s.r.o.based in SLOVAKIA
Tecon offers gas holder mounted on concrete foundations for biogas for following applications: Waste water treatments with anaerobic rottenness. Biogas plants in the agricultural business. Industrial plants. Function of a double membrane gas holder: The outer membrane is the protection layer and is always under pressure which is ...
Manufactured by Conveco S.r.l.based in ITALY
This is the simplest and most economical solution for burning landfill biogas safely and when gas combustion emissions are not subject to specific regulations. It is connected to the delivery network for biogas from capture wells and is also fitted with an inlet condensate separator-discharge ...
Manufactured by Conveco S.r.l.based in ITALY
Biogas analysis is an extremely useful process control and helps optimize digester operation and maximize methane production. Moreover, during plant start-up stages it can be used to verify the attainment of expected performances. CONVECO supplies include portable instruments and automatic continuous sampling and analysis panels calculating percentages of methane ...
Manufactured by Hydrotech a.sbased in SLOVAKIA
The by-product of anaerobic treatment is a high-energy biogas which can be combusted in its own boiler room or possibly fed to the central boiler in the ...
Manufactured by AAT Abwasser- und Abfalltechnik GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
Digester and gas holder located in one plant component. Designed for 100 to 400 cows (or equivalent). Codigestion of ...
PremiumManufactured by Ennox Biogas Technology GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
The low-price solution for the price-conscious farmer! Robust and compact manual gas flare for burning off biogas at agricultural biogas plants. Perfect for smaller new plants and for retro fitting to existing biogas plants. The operation of the eco gas are with a fermenter pressure of 3 mbar is ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The biogas compressor series VMX is an oil-injected screw compressor in 5 sizes for volume flows up to *2500 m³/h and 15 bar* overpressure. It is suitable for boosting the intake pressure of treatment plants for biogas (BGTP) or as an essential part of biogas injection plants (BGIP) for the compression of ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The biogas compressor series VMY is an oil-injected screw compressor in 3 sizes for volume flows. It is suitable for boosting the intake pressure of treatment plants for biogas (BGTP) or as an essential part of biogas injection plants (BGIP) for the compression of biomethane to inject into gas grids. ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The Biogas compressor series C is an oilfree screw compressor in 3 sizes for volume flows up to 1900 m³/h and 3,5 bar overpressure. It is suitable for boosting the intake pressure of treatment plants for biogas (BGTP) or as an essential part of biogas injection plants ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The use of biogas as an energy source will considerably help achieve the environmental objectives set nationally and internationally; be that reducing reliance on nuclear energy or the reduction of CO2 emissions. Specially designed for the biogas market, AERZEN biogas blowers of series GM ensure ultimate reliability and ...
by Atmovebased in AUSTRIA
To turn organic residues and manure – unavoidable byproducts – into the second-generation biofuel biomethane has become a fascinating idea for us. Biogas, the source of biomethane, is a multi-talent applying to solve several problems: distributed energy generation with electricity and heat self-supply, vehicle fuel or substitution of fossile diesel, natural gas and ...
Manufactured by Biogest Energie- und Wassertechnik GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
As agricultural expert with many years of experience, Biogest now also supplies energy-efficient LED lighting for farming applications. Lighting installations for agricultural facilities are regarded as one of most challenging areas in the lighting sector. This is because they not only have to be designed with power consumption and costs in mind, but also with regard to optimum light conditions ...
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