Boiler Design Equipment Supplied In USA

81 equipment items found
  • based in USA

    When access to the site simply cannot allow for any large deliveries, Rentech can offer a fully field-erected boiler. Typically, major subassemblies like the steam drum, mud drum, superheater, and endwalls are shop assembled and delivered to the site. Once the subassemblies are on site, Rentech can assist you in assembling the boiler onto your foundations. ...

  • Premium
    based in CANADA

    The model CEJS High Voltage Electrode Steam Boiler is the proven leader with more hours of operating experience over a wide range of applications than any competitor. The CEJS electrodes are vertically mounted around the inside of the pressure vessel which enables the CEJS to produce maximum amounts of steam in a minimum amount of floor ...

  • Premium
    based in CANADA

    Electrode boilers utilize the conductive and resistive properties of water to carry electric current and generate steam. An A.C. current flows from an electrode to one phase to the ground using the water as the ...

  • based in USA

    Watertube boilers are used for various high capacity industrial process applications that demand high pressures and temperatures, large capacity dry, high-quality steam, and the potential for superheated steam (steam that is heated above the boiling point at a given pressure) used for steam turbine power generation.These highly efficient boilers provide a faster ...

  • based in USA

    Industrial watertube boilers are used for various high capacity process applications requiring higher pressures and temperatures, large quantities of dry, high-quality steam, and the potential for additional heat by means of superheaters. These highly efficient boilers are preferred in these applications because the design facilitates good feed ...

  • based in USA

    Rentech cross flow watertube boilers are a robust design that can be configured to fit into almost any footprint. Tube arrangements can be staggered or inline to maximize heat transfer and minimize draft losses. Rentech’s cross flow boilers are designed with an outer casing thickness to meet the needs of the application. ...

  • Premium
    based in CANADA

    A compact, reliable source of steam for space and process heating, these immersion element boilers are virtually 100% energy efficient. They are completely packaged boilers ideally suited for applications requiring from 30 to more than 10,000 pounds of steam per hour. ACME Steam Generators are based on more than half a century of accumulated experience in the ...

  • based in USA

    With their symmetrical designs, the Voyager 'O' Type Watertube Series Boilers provide a rapid ramp rate and are easy to ship, install, operate and maintain. These versatile boilers are engineered, designed and manufactured for superior results. Sizing and capacities are available from 10,000 PPH up to 500,000 PPH of steam flow, ...

  • based in USA

    Rentech’s water cooled waste heat boilers leverage our extensive experience in fired water tube package boilers and integrates that experience into a high temperature waste heat boiler design. Rentech’s water wall boilers are designed with an outer casing thickness to meet the needs ...

  • based in CANADA

    Saskatoon Boiler offers a wide assortment of boilers specially designed for rugged use in the oil field. Developed over many years based on feedback from oil field operators, Saskatoon Boilers have developed a reputation for toughness and dependability under the harshest ...

  • based in USA

    Each set of tubes that hot combustion flue gas travels through before making a turn within the boiler, is considered a "pass." A 3-pass firetube boiler design consists of three sets of horizontal tubes, with the stack outlet located on the rear of the boiler. A downdraft design keeps the cooler water from having ...

  • Manufactured by Fulton
    based in USA

    In 1949, Fulton pioneered the vertical tubeless design, which quickly became the industry standard for industrial steam boilers. Since that time, no one has been able to improve upon Fulton’s original design. In 2018, Fulton raised the bar with the introduction of the VSRT (Vertical Spiral Rib Tubeless) steam boiler, the ...

  • Manufactured by PacWest Global, LLC
    based in USA

    PacWest Global is proud to be partnered with Two principals with combined industrial boiler experience in excess of 80 years. Experience in industrial boiler design on Coal, oil, gas and biomass fired boilers Experience in engineering, proposal design, project management, construction, start up and performance ...

  • Manufactured by Groupe Simoneau Inc.
    based in CANADA

    The A-Type watertube steam boiler, with centered steam and two lower mud drums, offers a symmetrical and well balanced design. This configuration generates increased performance of up to 250,000 PPH. The A-Type boiler design offers a large volume furnace ending on two convetion zones, one on each side of the furnace. ...

  • Manufactured by Walhonde Tools Inc.
    based in USA

    Known for its robustness, the tool is made of solid metal and is capable of withstanding significant wear and tear across numerous industrial contexts. This versatility allows the Wallzip Weld Clamp to be utilized effectively in aligning thin membranes and boiler tubes. It is designed for ease of use, requiring just a simple hand ratchet to secure the clamps. ...

  • based in USA

    Each set of tubes that hot combustion flue gas travels through before making a turn within the boiler, is considered a "pass." A four-pass boiler design consists of four sets of horizontal tubes, with the stack outlet at the front of the vessel. A downdraft design keeps the cooler water from having an effect on the hot surfaces ...

  • The SteamPack boiler from Babcock Wanson combines the best available technology in boiler design with very high efficiency resulting in low operating costs and reduced emissions. The boiler is designed to meet the latest European environmental legislation in terms of pollutant emission and can even exceed ...

  • based in USA

    BEI can engineer and manufacture both natural and forced circulation waste heat boilers. The watertube design allows for high performance compact heat exchangers often at low flue gas pressure drops, ease of installation, and often the ability to incorporate the HeatSponge replaceable tube for easy long term maintenance. ...

  • based in USA

    Simply Smarter and Built to Last! Accel CS’s Superior Boiler Design Makes it the World’s Most Durable, Reliable, and Efficient Condensing Boiler. Lower Your Fuel Bills While Enjoying Nearly Endless Hot Water: Accel CS is one system for both heat and hot water. Combining several Energy Kinetics’ developed breakthrough ...

  • based in USA

    Indeck’s “O” Type watertube boilers are designed with the flexibility in mind. The versatile drum orientation allows Indeck’s “O” model boilers to meet unique project requirements for shop-assembled or field-erected boilers. The “O” type watertube boiler is capable ...

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