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Decentralized Energy Equipment & Supplies

23 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Turbulent
    based in BELGIUM

    We develop cost-effective hydropower plants that can be installed in any river, canal or waterway that has a drop between 1.5 - 5 m. You can generate electricity using an individual turbine or a network of multiple turbines for higher energy demands, all designed for durability and low ...

  • based in INDIA

    Biomass Processing Capacity of 500 kg to 10,000 kg. ...

  • based in INDIA

    Biomass Processing Capacity of 500 kg to 10,000 ...

  • based in ITALY

    GTS systems, however, can also be produced in smaller performance categories. Wood gasification is also suitable for smaller, decentralized energy supply systems. Municipalities as well as commercial and industrial enterprises can therefore ensure their own CO2-neutral energy supply and have a sustainable impact on nature and the regional ...

  • based in GERMANY

    With the certified ClinX Heat technology, we combine waste heat with an externally fired micro gas turbine and thus convert green energy, such as electricity, heating or cooling. In this way, we guarantee energy generation without fossil fuels such as gas or coal, decentralized energy supply security, and a sustainable ...

  • Net-Zero-Carbon W2E Ecosystem for the Circular Economy: Delivering decentralized Waste to Energy Utilities Infrastructure design build and Management Services. The stations convert the garbage into useable clean low cost electrical generated energy. This energy (power) could be used to operate facilities like hospitals, ...

  • based in USA

    Proponents anticipate that as the focus shifts towards decentralized energy production, hydrogen microgrids will play a crucial role, driven by their superior storage capabilities and alignment with stringent environmental ...

  • It is a self-sustainable thermal conversion treatment of organic waste, including plastics, which breaks down the waste matter and extracts the hydrogen they contain. The conversion system addresses the need for decentralized clean energy production for the Energy Smart Grid as well as the growing worldwide need for a source of green, renewable ...

  • Manufactured by Verdo
    based in DENMARK

    Verdo's decentralized Waste to Energy concept is focused on handling the waste where it is generated and converting the energy form waste into thermal or electrical energy used for private industries or local municipalities with a need of energy. We have four standard sizes for the waste to ...

  • based in GERMANY

    From the single-stage, overhung turbine to the efficiency-optimised multi-stage, tandem type turbo set – Spilling steam turbines are suited to the most varied customer requirements and applications. The wide-ranging product line is geared to the decentral generation of energy and enables a wide range of applications in driving power ranges between 300 to ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Innovative, intelligent, individual: ChargePost enables hpc-charging on limited grits within minutes – and takes ultra-fast charging to a new level with best-in-class technologies. ...

  • Manufactured by AirSon Engineering AB
    based in SWEDEN

    E.ON ectogrid™ is the decentralised energy system of the future: a scalable and energy-efficient solution that can produce all necessary heating and cooling in one ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Decentralised energy supply is a firm component of a well-balanced energy mix in the 21st century. As a partner to the major German energy suppliers, ETW supplies the requisite CHP technology – in some cases in the form of framework agreements – along with the corresponding service ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Energy efficiency and sustainable energy supply are topics which have been taken more seriously by all companies due to the rising energy costs and the renewed emphasis and commitment to the environment. Our range of consulting services is comprehensive — we not only analyze energy consumption and thoroughly evaluate your ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Unparalleled ease of installation. Flexible connectivity. Manufacturer-independent sector coupling. The Energy Manager VoyagerX is a compact gateway for energy management. It connects PV and energy storage systems, as well as EV chargers and heat pumps into a manufacturer-independent sector-coupled system, acting as an interface between the ...

  • based in INDIA

    Abellon is working at the forefront of the Swachh Bharat Mission and our vision is to make a significant contribution to the goals laid out under the same. We have evolved an integrated and sustainable model for converting waste into clean energy, with focus on stringent emission control and reduction in PM 2.5 levels, resulting in improved air quality, healthier people, and a ...

  • Manufactured by BOS Power
    based in NORWAY

    The BESS Sustainability Solution: Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) solutions emerge as a pivotal force in sustaining the electrical grid's reserves, particularly within the Frequency Containment Reserves market. Actively championing the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, BESS solutions are at the forefront of advancing sustainable ...

  • Manufactured by EnviTec Biogas AG
    based in GERMANY

    Whether as a source of electricity to generate heat locally, to supply heat by pipeline or to feed into the gas network after processing - Biogas is multi-talented and versatile. The weather-independent generation is a predictable source of revenue for the operator, since energy from biogas is not subject to any price fluctuations. At the same time, a biogas plant actively ...

  • Manufactured by EBZ GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Fuel cells are expected to become a key technology of the future decentralised energy supply with combined heat and power (CHP) units. Therefore the EBZ Demonstration Systems provide a flexible platform for a large variety of research and application ...

  • Thermochemical conversion of biomass enables the production of energy (heat and electricity) as well as the co-production of renewable carbon products (biochar, bio-oils and gases) for a wide range of applications (e.g. agriculture, plastics production or metallurgy). Sub-Area 1.1 Thermochemical Technologies focuses on the development, optimization and demonstration of pyrolysis, ...

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