Derived Fuel Equipment Supplied In Europe

25 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by TAIMWESER S.A.
    based in SPAIN

    For producing RDF material the high calorific value components of MSW and commercial waste are being separated. In addition disturbing components such as PVC and metal parts are removed. Afterwards the material is reduced to a definite particle size if required. We supply the therefore necessary turn key plants and to provide the quality of the ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    The Lindner Polaris makes short work of shredding, a real one-stop solution. This makes the production process more streamlined and cheaper compared to other technologies and also ensures an output quality so outstanding that it was given its own name: polaris material. And what’s more: the shredder technology is so innovative that it created a new market segment – one-step ...

  • based in USA

    B&W's bubbling fluid bed (BFB) technology is ideal for repowering an existing facility, recovery boiler conversions, or when changing fuel or firing techniques of an existing power boiler. Typical fuels include primary and secondary sludge, bark and woodwaste, coal and tire derived fuel. BFB boilers are especially ...

  • Manufactured by SIMEC Atlantis Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The Uskmouth Power Station Conversion Project (referred to as the Uskmouth Conversion Project) proposes to convert the existing coal fired power plant at Uskmouth Power Station to operate as a plant which would generate electricity through the combustion of waste derived fuel ...

  • Manufactured by Tidy Planet Limited
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Sugimat Waste to Energy Plants are designed to optimise the combustion of waste derived fuels. Sugimat have been manufacturing industrial boilers for solid wastes for 40 years. As specialists in heat output as thermal oil and manufacturers of bespoke systems to work with variable fuels this makes them ideally suited for the Tidy Planet SWIP ...

  • Manufactured by Aningas-Ergos S.A.
    based in SPAIN

    Thermal energy can be obtained from by-products that the industry itself generates which can be used as fuel, with the consequent saving of fuels derived from ...

  • based in TURKEY

    The basic functions of garbage and waste incineration disposal facilities are to produce thermal energy by burning the collected garbage and waste and to safely dispose of the remaining residues. These facilities aim to reduce waste and minimize environmental impacts while producing energy by burning fuels such as waste collected from industrial facilities and homes, ...

  • Manufactured by SICIT Group S.p.A.
    based in ITALY

    Biofuel is a type of fuel derived from organic materials instead of from fossil resources such as oil, coal or natural gas. It is considered renewable, as the raw materials used to produce it can be regenerated in a relatively short time. In this context, SICIT uses animal fat extracted from fleshing waste, as a key raw material to produce this alternative ...

  • Manufactured by eralytics GmbH
    based in

    The instrument uses sophisticated chemometric models grounded in extensive fuel libraries to derive complex fuel parameters from IR spectra. ERASPEC integrates temperature-controlled density meter modules, complying with ASTM standards, to measure density and component concentrations with high precision. Its patented design features a ...

  • Cannon Bono Energia offers diathermic oil heaters with horizontal multi-tubular design, with capacity up to 40 MW. They can use synthetic diathermic fluid in both liquid and gaseous phase with temperatures up to 400 ° ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Pyrolysis oil out of the recycling of rubber waste is characterized by its high heating value of 37 MJ/kg. Another very important property is the water content of less than 0.2%, which allows the storage of the oil for a long ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Maximum power generation from your steam with optimal efficiency. Generate maximum electricity from your steam in our M+M Condensing Turbines. By using a flexible and multistage design, we achieve maximium power and efficiency in a condensing turbine. Through flexible design of steam bleeds and extractions, the overall process efficiency can be even further enhanced. Our solid design, based on ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Optimizing the use of your process steam with combined heat and power production. With our robust and versatile M+M backpressure turbines, your process steam can be utilised more efficiently and sustainably. Instead of simply reducing the steam pressure at a pressure-reducing station, you can expand your process steam in the turbine and generate electricity. This combined heat and power (CHP) ...

  • Manufactured by Remeha B.V.
    based in NETHERLANDS

    The term biomass is used to describe fuel that is derived from animal or vegetable material, i.e. organic material, of recent origin, rather than a fossil fuel that has taken millions of years to develop. It is usually derived directly from trees or crops but can be provided indirectly from industrial, commercial or agricultural ...

  • based in GERMANY

    OCEANERGY currently develops the KITE H2 SHIP technology, which is a special form of the KITE GAS/FUEL SHIP: Its aim is to produce green hydrogen, and deliver it to H2 terminals in a harbour, at a lower cost than with any other production technology or scenario. Low H2 production cost is possible because of the KITE H2 SHIP’s. extraordinarily high capacity factor of 80-90% ...

  • Manufactured by BMH Technology Oy
    based in FINLAND

    The TYRANNOSAURUS SRF Process turns waste into high quality Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF). The plant consists of highly robust, heavy-duty, industrial design equipment. All machines are created and optimized to work together to deliver an extremely efficient waste to fuel plant. The plants are highly automated and delivered as ...

  • Manufactured by VYNCKE
    based in BELGIUM

    Our fuels range from biomass-based fuels to various solid waste fuels. The range of biomass-based fuels available for energy production is wide; from agricultural and wood residues, to slurries from industrial processes, recycled wood and purpose-grown energy ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    The High Temperature Winkler (HTW) technology is the most highly developed gasification technology utilizing bio-based feedstocks. The process was originally developed in the 1920s by the German energy company Rheinbraun AG utilizing lignite coal. Over the years, the technology has been significantly improved to achieve better results and has been re-engineered to handle a broad range of ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    We provide all the power generation technologies and services you need, up to complete power ...

  • Manufactured by Nexterra Systems Corp.
    based in CANADA

    Nexterra’s core technology is a fixed-bed updraft gasification system. These systems range in output from 2 to 40 MWth (8 to 140 MMBtu/hr) and 2 – 15 MW electric. Nexterra’s systems are simple in design, are able to handle a wide-range of feedstocks and produce very low ...

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